Chapter 8

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    Mornings. They are my arch enemy. I never got the point of why someone never made a law where you can simply just sleep in when you need the rest. Because that is what I desperately need this morning.

    Last night I stayed up till midnight, going mini-golfing with some of the counselors, including Will. Mini golfing didn't take long, it was Will convincing us all to buy a twenty-piece chicken nugget, and give one nugget out to random friends. So our night was spent pulling up to our friend's houses and handing them chicken nuggets. Which took longer than we thought. So now we have to pay for it by being exhausted all day for counselor training. Yay life.

    I stumble downstairs, the only thing keeping me from running back to my nice, warm bed, is the thought of coffee. As I get to the last step, my phone buzzes in my back pocket. I pull it out and squint at the screen. Woah. Mark texted me. I hadn't heard a peep from him since the time he 'saved' me from Will.

Hey, how are u doing? It reads. Wow. You cant get more original than that.

Fine. U? I respond. If he's going to be boring I might as well be too. Plus I'm tired. My creative juices have been thrown out a window.

Good, what are you doing tonight? HOLY MOLY GUACAMOLE I was not expecting that. Dear God let this not be an offer to go on a date! I pray. At least I am doing something tonight, now I'm thankful for counselor training.

Yea, I'm doing counselor training for the summer camp I'm going to. Why? I quickly reply, my hands sweaty.

Just had an idea, never mind. He says. Should I reply? How do you respond to that? Opting on my best bet I send a thumbs up.

    " What are you doing?" Harper asks, barging into my thoughts.

    " Hm?" Then I realize I am still standing on the bottom step. I hadn't moved a muscle since Mark had texted me. " Oh, just texting Mark," I say, pretending to be casual like it's normal to stand stalk still in the middle of everyone's way while texting an almost stranger.

    " MARK?" Harper screeches his name.

    " Shut up! Mom will hear you!" I hiss.

    " But Mark?" She questions, prodding deeper.

    I roll my eyes at her and head off to get my coffee.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Everyone is sluggish today. Nat fell asleep during the first class, Will poked him in the head with his folder till he finally woke up. Ava is very suspicious of us all. She keeps a sharp eye on us, making sure we won't miss anything that she's saying. Most of what she says fly's over my head anyway. Poor her. Having to deal with a bunch of grumpy, tired, teenagers.

    When it comes to the time for break Ava announces, " Now guys, you all look exhausted and I know half of you probably didn't hear most of my class, so for the sake of me and each other, please take this time to take a nap. Just sprawl out on the ground, or on a row of chairs, I don't care just sleep." She gives us a tired smile and hops off the stage.

    I was all in for her suggestion. So, I lay down on the ground behind the last row of chairs in the back of the auditorium, place my head on my arm, and start to doze off. Ding! Who would dare text me at such a time? I sit straight up and grab my phone, preparing to give whoever texted me a piece of my mind.

Soooo, I was wondering when you aren't busy. Oh, joy. It's Mark. That was a super dumb question to ask considering that we just talked about it this morning and now he decides to text about it.

All this month why? I'm in a grumpy mood, so I don't see a reason to text this inhuman being a polite answer.

What could you possibly be doing for a whole month? How kind of you to ask. Not. That was rather rude.

Summer camp. Now stop texting me, I'm trying to sleep. I angrily reply.

Sheesh, okay didn't know you slept in the middle of the afternoon His text reads.

It's called a nap Sherlock I must say I am proud of that response.

FINE I'll let you sleep 🙄 How kind of him to send that emoji.

    I let out a sigh and lay back down again. I need my sleep. Again, I'm about zonked when my phone dings.

Who are you texting?? It's Will. I look up. Will is laying on the row of chairs right in front of me and is staring at me over his phone through the little spaces in between the chairs. I sit up and scoot closer to him.

    " Do you have to know everything about me?" I ask in a whisper.

    " Yup, why are you texting when we are supposed to be sleeping?" Goodness, he sounds like my Mom.

    " Why are you talking to me when we're supposed to be sleeping?" I retort.

    Will raises his eyebrows. Holy Shmoly his eyebrows. I stare at them without blinking. "Hello? Did you hear what I said?" Will is waving his hand in front of my face, his arm almost stuck in between the chairs.

    " What?" I ask, totally out of it. Get a hold of yourself! It's just eyebrows! I chide myself.

    " I said touché." He frowns.

    " Oh, yea that." I nod a little too energetically.

    " Who were you texting though?" He asks again.

    " Why do you care? You have a girlfriend!" Oops. That popped out of my mouth without me being able to stop it.

    Will just stares at me, a hard expression on his face. He doesn't say anything for a full ten seconds and I start praying that the floor would be so kind as to swallow me whole. " I don't have a girlfriend."

    I gape at him. I want to form words with my mouth but I forget how to do so. " But I thought-."

    He cuts me off. " It didn't work, she was too controlling about our relationship, so I broke up with her a little after the show."

    " Sorry," I mumble, picking at the blue nail polish on my index finger. I always do that when I'm in distress.

    " No need to be." He waves a hand in the air as if to brush the whole incident away. " Now, we need to go to sleep." Will ends the conversation and rolls over.

    Whoah. That just happened. I crawl over to my little spot on the floor and try to go to sleep. But I can't, Will's voice keeps running through my mind. " I don't have a girlfriend."

Authors Note
Hello all! Thanks for over a hundred reads, yay!
    Hope you like this plot twist in the story 😏
    Please, if anything I want my readers to comment and tell me what they think, so please do not be a silent reader!!
    Thank you and goodbye.
                                     - heavengrace55

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