Chapter 27

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Will's POV

I know everything. I know what Mark did. I know why Skye's acting this way. I know why I'm acting the way that I am. And it's all because of Mark, a person who calls himself human when everything he does is inhumane.

I wish I knew what to do about it. But if my anxiety has ever reached a peak, this is the top of the mountain. I try to force myself to sleep but what I heard keeps running through my head. It's a never-ending reel that keeps running over and over and there's no remote to turn it off.

I'm backstage, rearranging props when I hear it. Her voice. " No, you're just trying to destroy my life, and Mark, stop faking tears, I'm an actor, and let me just say your acting skills suck."

What the-. I think but my thought is cut off by the sound of Skye's back being forced into the brick wall. I inch closer to the door, ready to fly out at any moment and beat the crap out of Mark, but right when I reach for the handle I hear his voice. " you think you are smart don't you? You think you have it all together because you just figured me out? Well, you just fell into my trap, Skye Sparrow."

" Really? And how is that possible?" Skye's voice is laced with anger.

" Because, I planned that as soon as you figured out what was going on, I would put my plan into action."

" What plan exactly, oh I know, the plan to destroy my physical and mental state? Well, it didn't work."

" Oh, but it did. As soon as you realized that the person you loved was a player you shrunk into that shell of yourself and refused to come out." Skye has no words. All I can hear through the thin backstage door is heavy breathing. " and now I will make your life even more miserable."

In my mind's eye, I can almost see Skye crossing her arms, " you don't have the power to do that."

" You don't have any clue do you?"

" Yes, yes I do. Because even though I let you break my trust for Will the first time, I won't let you do it again."

"That's not what I'm planning on breaking this time." These words send shivers up and down my spine, I can only imagine what Skye is feeling at the moment. " I'm planning on breaking your whole world into pieces simply by using the threat of you losing the life of one person."

To my surprise, Skye snorts. " First of all, that was really cheesy, like a line from some horror movie or something and second of all, I'm guessing you're gonna threat me with killing off Will." Skye pauses to let that sink in, " but honest to goodness, he could smash you to pieces in three seconds, I mean have you seen his muscles? And-"

     I'm smiling now. My whole body is buzzing with excitement. She likes me! Or at least thinks I'm hot. You know what I don't know but the fact that Mark made her lose trust in me tells me enough.

       " I'm not going to touch Will. That will be your doing. And I do not sound cheesy."

     " Yes you do, and I would never hurt a hair on Wills's head."

     My smile grows wider. Goodness. Here Skye is in a desperate situation, I'm smiling and she is making jokes. The irony of the thing.

     " Just listen to me for once."

     " Fine. Just say what you want to say, I'm hungry."

     " You didn't have breakfast?"

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