Chapter 12

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" I don't know what to think! He just suddenly changed moods and stayed that way the rest of the day!" I complained. Harper and I were driving home from camp. Harper was listening to my rant with a bored look on her face. " Maybe I offended him by leaving? Maybe he will think I am completely stupid and self-centered for the rest of our lives!" I stress.

" Honestly Skye it was probably something super small. He was probably not happy that he couldn't eat right away." Harper's advice was hitting a low.

" I doubt that. It's just all so confusing." My nails are suffering from the amount of time I spent picking at the nail polish all day. Well, since that encounter with Will. He hardly spoke to me the rest of the day, and when we had our second director time, he just handed me the new script with the extra scene in it and then didn't say a thing the whole time I struggled through trying to get the kids to cooperate. Poor children. I was stressed and they could tell. Will was snappish and they were confused. And on top of that Parker randomly had to barf. Thankfully, Will took care of him even if he was being grumpy, and I didn't have to deal with a puking child.

" On a brighter note, my director time went well," Harper says cheerfully. She launches into a whole account of how her day went and I lean back in my seat and try to listen. Truthfully, I'm kinda zoning out. My mind is full of thoughts of Will. I'm just not used to seeing him this way.

I get a text. Harper hears my notification and stops mid-sentence. " Who's that?" She asks. I pick up my phone and see that it's a text from Mark. Groaning I turn it off, not wanting to answer. " Who was it?" Harper persists.

" It was Mark, he's wondering when the show for summer camp is," I say.

    " Ooooohhh someone wants to see you!" Harper grins and laughs annoyingly.

    " Ugh. He texts me way too much." I whine.

    " You texted him only twice, am I correct? That is not much. In my opinion that is very respectful." She says.

" Not when the only times he texts me is to beg for a date. And now how am I supposed to turn down someone coming to our show?" I slam my knuckles into my forehead over and over again.

" You don't. Actually, you cant. Also, why are you so upset about this? He's cute!" Harper argues.

" Yep, and that's about all he's got going for him," I reply. Finally, I sigh, pick up my phone, and answer.

It's on Saturday

Great! I'll be there😊 I groan again. " He's coming."

" Chill, it's just Mark." Harper turns into our driveway. I hadn't realized we had talked nonstop the whole way home.

" I cant chill! I don't know what's wrong with me! He just grates on my nerves."

                                    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I wake the next morning with a sore throat. Not good. Actually, very, very bad. I head down to the kitchen, still in my Pj's, and find my mom sitting at the table, drinking coffee. I begin to say that I have a sore throat. All that comes out is a sad croak. I try again. And again. After the fifth croak, Mom looks up at me with a concerned expression on her face. " Why are you making those noises?"

Finally, I give in and whisper, " I have a sore throat, and now I can't talk."

" Take some Vitamin C, I'm sure you'll feel better. Also, are you going to be able to go to summer camp today?" Mom gets up and starts rummaging through the cupboards. She pulls out a pack of Vitamin C powder that you put in water and begins making me a glass.

" Yea, I'll just have Will take over most of the things." I sigh. I hated to do this, especially since yesterday's conundrum.

" Who's Will?" Mom asks.

" The counselor I'm working with." I pull out my phone and send a text.

    Hey, I got a sore throat and can't talk, so if you don't mind can you take over director time and some other things today? I send up a quick prayer and send it. Hopefully, he's in a better mood.

    It's only a minute when he texts back Sure! Are you still coming? Well then. I was not expecting that friendly of a text, but ok.

    Yep, I'm just a bit under the weather, I'll be fine. Thanks.


    I breathe a sigh of relief and take a sip of my Vitamin C water. It's gross, and it burns my throat, but I drink it anyway.

                                                                   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    When I walk through the front doors and into the hallway I am hit by an unfamiliar smell. It's strong and bitter. Harper is right behind me and we both start sniffing the air. We follow our noses to the kitchen.

Will and Lena are chatting while Will is pouring a mysterious black liquid into mugs out of a tea kettle. A tea kettle. " Is that what I think it is?" I ask in a raspy whisper.

" If your thinking tea, you are correct." Will smiles gently and hands me a mug. " It's what my Mom always made for us kids when we got a sore throat. I would've made it back at my friend's house that I'm staying at, but they were all still asleep so I made it here. Sorry for the stinking up the whole building, I promise you it tastes better than it smells."

I blindly take the tea and stare at the steam floating lazily into the air. I'm shocked. Will made me tea. I don't even know what to think of that.

Will bends over and whispers in my ear, " Sorry for being the way I was yesterday. I got a text that fired me up a bit, but that's no excuse for treating everyone the way I did."

I whisper back, " It's fine, all is forgiven thanks for the tea."

I may be sick and all, but today is turning out better than I thought it would.

Authors note

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