Chapter 7

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My messenger bag was packed to its limit. Harper says that I could fit a small child in the thing, but it always seems too small. Of course, I also require a lot of stuff. Especially when I'm going to be a counselor at summer camp, which I'm leaving to go to in about fifteen minutes. Packing last minute is one of my many flaws. My best friend Letti told me once that if you pack last minute then you wouldn't be bored, sitting around while waiting to go. Maybe that wasn't the best advice, but I took it to heart.

" You ready yet?" Harper asks, watching me struggle with my bag.

" Not quite," I grunt, shoving a water bottle into a side pocket.

Harper had packed all her things in an orderly manner. She has a small backpack with separate little bags inside, filled with the necessities. I never got the point of putting bags in bags, so I just shoved everything in, hoping I could find what I'm looking for when the time comes.

" Well hurry." Harper orders.

" No." I retort. Of course, I'm not going to listen to her, the little boss. (If you have an older sister you know how it is).

After fifteen minutes Harper finally just walks out the door telling me she'll meet me in the car. She knows I will come when she does that. I yell goodbye to my Mom, say a quick prayer that I have everything, and head out the door.

                                                                        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The first two days of summer camp are what we call counselor training. Though in truth we only have a few classes and the rest we spend just hanging with the other counselors. This is okay because it's good to break the ice with the people who will be your only mental support for the next month.

    I'm sitting in the empty auditorium, feeling antsy. Harper and I arrived way too early as always and we are waiting on Ava and all the other counselors to show up. Amazingly, we got into the building, the doors were unlocked, which never happens. So here we are, bored out of our minds. I look over at Harper who is scrolling through Instagram. She shows me some random posts once in a while saying, " Look! Lena went to the beach yesterday!" Or, " Ooooohhhh look at this Mustang!" I just sit and read a book, trying to ignore all her comments. It's so annoying when people annoy me when I'm just trying to read. Sheesh. Even though the book I'm currently reading is sorta boring. I over-estimated it.

    A door opens. Both Harper and I look up at the same time. Holy Smokes. It's Will. He's walking casually down the hallway. Harper throws me an amused grin and stands up. " Hey Will! Welcome to our bored-out-of-our-minds party." She greets. If I was close enough I would give her a good jab in the ribs. What kind of a greeting was that?  But Will doesn't mind. He just chuckles.

    " Looks exciting." His hands are shoved into the pockets of his grey sweat pants. Why did he have to wear sweat pants?

    " It's not that exciting, we got here way too early and have been waiting for the past twenty minutes," I explain, shifting in my chair uncomfortably. This was so awkward. " So... why are you here early," I ask.

    " Wanted to make a good impression." He replies.

    " Well, no need to arrive early here, Ava comes late almost every time," Harper says, smiling.

    There's an awkward silence. Will sits on the edge of one of the cushioned chairs, his elbows propped on his knees, fiddling with his fingers. Thankfully, Lena saves us from more awkwardness by bursting through the front doors and running inside the auditorium at a high rate of speed. " Hey, guys! How's it going?"

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