Chapter 15

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"I'm just trying to figure out why he's always so nice to me," I say into the phone as I pace around my room. I'm talking to Letti on the phone. I hadn't seen her for a while since I was so busy with summer camp. It's high time I catch up with her and she's more than willing to talk. To my embarrassment, all she wants to talk about is Will. I have only briefly told her through text that the Will Poulter is at my summer camp.

" No guy is just randomly nice to a girl, Skye," she replies.

" Unless they are just genuinely nice," I argue.

" I'm not saying that he's not a genuine, nice man but hear me out, first the tea, then the brownies, and all the random stuff in between including wearing a ridiculous outfit just because you wanted him to! That's a freaking ton of stuff and you can't just ignore it all." Letti says.

" Here, here!" Harper pounds my bed with her fist. She, being the sister that she is, is listening in on my phone conversation.

" Is that Harper? Ask her if she thinks Will is being sus, or if that's just me." Letti demands.

" I heard you, and he is extremely sus," Harper says to the phone which I hold out to her. I had put Letti on speakerphone.

" Guys! He is completely and totally normal, good grief y'all are so dramatic." I roll my eyes.

" Just be glad you have us Didder!" Harper grins. I glare at her. She uses our nickname for each other, which we made a couple of months ago. The annoying thing is, she uses it everywhere at all times, I'm fine with using it at home, but she just goes a little too far. For example, the other day, at the summer camp she screamed, " DIIIIIIIIDDDDEEEEERRRR!" When she couldn't find me. Let's just say I was mortified. But this time, I'm mad at her for two reasons.

" Do you still have a crush on him? I mean, he is extremely hot." Letti says. What a nice, convenient time to ask. I think.

" Ummmmmm," I don't want to answer. Boy, this is awkward. Joyous, another awkward moment.

" Skye?" That's all. Letti just says my name.

" Didder?" Harper sits on the edge of my bed, leaning forward in anticipation.

" Maybe." I cave.

Letti starts screaming into the phone. Harper chucks a celebratory pillow into the air. "That means you like him! You can't deny it! You're blushing! Letti, you should see her face." 

" Why on earth are you two so pleased?" I ask, embarrassed.

Lettie's laugh filters through my phone's speaker, " Because things are gonna get interesting."

                       ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Harper's eyes are fixed on me the whole morning. I'm a nervous wreck because she's watching how I interact with Will. Let's just say if Letti was also here, watching my every move, I would have had a mental breakdown by now.

Not much has happened all morning. I thanked Will almost right away for the brownies and returned the bin. He had raised an eyebrow and asked in his annoyingly cute accent if I had eaten them all. I replied that I had simply squirreled them away.

Now I'm watching team-building games. They are playing a nice rowdy game of Freeze. Freeze doesn't exactly require being rowdy, but let's face it, they are kids. Rowdieness is just part of the package.

" Enjoying the show?" I slightly jump. Will has come upon me without me noticing.

" Sure, it's mostly just jumping around and screaming. Burning at the stake seems to be a popular theme." I wave my hand vaguely at the stage.

He chuckles deeply and plops down on the seat next to me. " Sound fun."

" It's not," I say.

" What are you doing out here then? All the other counselors are outside talking." He asks.

" Just didn't feel like talking about annoying kids anymore. To be honest, I'm sick of it." I'm picking at my nail polish again, nervous about how he will respond.

" Maybe we would understand if we had an annoying one on our team." Will shrugs and runs his fingers through his hair. It's in desperate need of a haircut, but it oddly looks good, as if it's meant for him.

" Maybe." I slouch down in my chair and lean my head back. I'm exhausted. Talking is the last thing I want to do, even if I am talking to Will.

I'm jerked awake by a hand on my shoulder, " Skye, Skye you better get up unless you want to sleep through lunch." The owner of the voice is not registering in my head, my vision is blurry.

" Go away." I suspect it's Harper, so I say what I always say to her. I plop my head on the nearest object, which happens to be the person's shoulder, and start drifting off again. Honestly, I don't care who it is, I just need my sleep.

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" Is she sleeping?" A child's voice breaks through my fog of deep sleep. Then I feel a finger slightly tap my nose. My eyes fly open. " Oh, never mind." Parker is standing in front of me.

" Ssssshhhh, let her go back to sleep." Someone whispers. The voice is oddly close. It's also thick with an accent.

Oh crap.

I sit straight up and stare at Will. He's grinning at me. " You snore."

" How long was I clocked out?" I asked, hoping it was only a few minutes.

" You slept through lunch, and it's soon director time, so about an hour," Will says, completely chill, as if I hadn't just fallen asleep on his freaking shoulder.

" Oh shoot I'm sorry, now we both missed lunch." I hedge around the real reason that I'm distressed.

" No worry's we can eat during director time, though we should probably hurry, it starts like right now." He gets up, stretches, ruffles Parker's hair, and leaves.

Letti is going to die when I tell her this. I think.

Authors note

Hi guys!

Aaaaahhh! It's getting romantic and it's making me so happy!

Tell me what you think in the comments!

     Also, the girl in the picture is how I imagine Letti.

- heavengrace55

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