Chapter Four: Part Two

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It didn't take me long to help Lisa make all the sides she needed help with but the Alpha's sudden appearance and his strange questions had lingered in the back of my mind like a spider. They were creepy and disturbing but I hadn't said anything to Lisa about it. Not that I normally would, especially when her mouth had pinched into a thin line when I had come into the kitchen and she had barked out what she wanted me to do. So I kept my head down and my mouth shut. It was better to do that then receive a tongue lashing from her in her current mood.

I could already feel her eyes on me as I grabbed a second paper plate, carefully putting food onto it. I had spotted Simon with his friends and noticed he hadn't grabbed a plate. It was a bit of a juggling act with my own plate in my hands but I was able to dish him up a rather decent amount of food. It wasn't as much as he would eat normally but I knew if I gave him the plate he would get himself seconds as long as he had the plate from the first bit.

"You don't need that much, Minnie." Lisa's voice was a hard crack and I flinched under it slightly.

I automatically lowered my head, staring at the wooden picnic table top. "It's for-"

"I don't care about your excuses! You will never eat that much. Put it back." The order was heavy and I pressed my lips together. A big part of me said it wasn't worth the fight and to set the plate down and come back for it later to give to Simon but the other part knew he was more than likely hungry and I wanted to bring him a plate so he would remember to eat.

"It's for Simon." The words came out soft and I knew they were timid but the pointed look she had on me and the other looks that were starting to be sent my way was making me want to hunch forward.

"He can get his own plate, Minnie." Lisa snapped it out and I swallowed hard. I knew he could get his own but he did so much for me that bringing him a plate of food was so minor, such a little thing. I wanted to do it for him.

"I know." I swallowed hard and glanced up at her and her face was twisted down into a heavy scowl. I didn't set the plate down and her eyes narrowed further at the slight defiance and my stomach clenched. She was not going to be happy if I continued but I really wanted to do it for Simon.

"Mum, Gracie was wondering what you put into your cucumber salad. She's over by the big willow, I told her you would come over." Ellie came over, a bright smile on her face and I watched as Lisa's mouth twitched but she turned away from me and smiled brightly at Ellie.

"Thank you, love." She brushed Ellie's blond hair from her face and kissed her forehead before heading over to the tall willow off to the side of the meeting grounds. Ellie looked at me and winked before making a shooing motion with her hands as she turned away. I smiled at her in relief before I quickly turned from the table and headed straight for Simon. He was busy talking to his friends, his hands moving in wild gestures as the group of them laughed.

I was careful with the plates and I could feel some of the pack staring at me. I understood why they did, I wasn't allowed out really. The females in the crafting hall saw me every so often when I was working on projects and the various Omegas on laundry duty saw me every Wednesday, but not a lot of the pack got to see me. I was still an oddity.

I reached Simon's group and he glanced at me before he grinned. "Scuse me, innocent ears can't hear this part!" He reached out and clamped his hands over my ears, muffling whatever it was he said that caused his group to burst into laughter again. After a few seconds he dropped his hands from my ears to land on my shoulders with a chuckle. "What did you need, Ennie-Ennie-Enza?" At the sign song quality of the nickname I wrinkled my nose at him.

"I saw you didn't get a plate so I made you one because I know you will forget." I lifted the plate I made for him and he grinned before bending down and kissing my cheek quickly.

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