Chapter Twenty-Six

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A few days later

"So, I said, 'Ain't no way, bro!' and he said-" Maeve's happy screech cut Simon off and when I glanced over at him he nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! He said exactly that! I was like 'Bro, you can't just do that with a potato!' but he got all offended." Maeve babbled at him and I fought back a smile at the rather strange story that Simon was telling with Maeve's input. "He was all like 'You can't judge me! You didn't judge-" Maeve screeched again and I turned my head as Simon lifted her up. "He did! I'm dead serious!" He was grinning at the little girl as he let her kick at his lap, bouncing her up as if she were jumping.

She laughed and then babbled at him very intently, reaching out to grab him and Simon nodded. "See I tried to tell him that, Mayberry. I did. He's just being stubborn." Maeve made a rather serious sounding babble and he nodded. "Don't we know it?" He bounced her around on his lap before making a funny face. "But what can you do? You can tell them all you want but that doesn't mean they will listen and you can't fix stupid." Maeve laughed loudly and clapped her hands. "And they are stupid." He was chuckling as he brought her closer to his face. "Boys are nothin' but trouble, Miss Mayberry. Remember that."

He settled her back on his lap before he glanced at me. "That goes for you too, little miss big ears." Simon gave me a look and I scoffed slightly, fighting back a smile. Simon was such a gossip that the fact he was saying I was an eavesdropper was hilarious.

"Your ears are much bigger than mine, Simon." I turned back to the blocks I was getting ready to run through the sewing machine. They were looking perfect and I honestly couldn't wait to be able to put them all together so we could see the finalized project. It was going to look so pretty.

"Yes, but you were currently listening to a very private conversation between miss Mayberry and I." His voice was chiding and I gave a small 'ahh' at that.

"If it was private, perhaps you should have lowered your voice." I glanced at him, fighting against the teasing smile that was struggling to cross my face as he put on a rather affronted look.

"Well I never!" He pressed a free hand to his chest while he held Maeve with the other. "Miss Mayberry, do you hear this?" Maeve babbled rapidly and he nodded. "You are so right, that was so rude!" At the words I couldn't help but smile, giving a small chuckle. "We are offended. You hear us? Offended." I glanced at him again and he had arranged Maeve's arms to cross her little chest and he crossed his own in front of her, sticking his bottom lip out as he playfully glowered at me. I couldn't help it and laughed at them both. They both looked ridiculous and far too adorable.

Simon gasped, "Can you believe this? She's laughing at us!" He rocked side to side on the chair, making Maeve giggle as she uncrossed her arms and waved her hands rapidly as she giggled. That certainly didn't make me stop laughing as I looked at the two of them. "Laughing, Mayberry!" Simon lifted her up and kissed her cheeks before he chuckled himself. "Sure, sure. Yuck it up, fluff for brains." He threw me a grin that I returned.

I loved that Simon was allowed to hang around me during the day. There were times I felt guilty that he was stuck with me all day but then he would call me an idiot and glare at me until I apologized for insinuating I was a burden for him. Mainly because he said I was his little sister and he loved me so I wasn't a bother to hang around. That and he said I was a better friend to him than most other people and he preferred my company. Which made me secretly smile. It wasn't often I had someone like me for being me and to me it didn't matter that Simon always said it, it still made me happy to hear it.

I continued with the blocks as I tried to shove away the thoughts of Brochan that slowly tugged at me. He also seemed to like me for me but I didn't want to encourage any thoughts on that. My little crush was turning into a nearly uncomfortable infatuation. I didn't like that at all. I wanted us to stay friends, to keep moving on how we had been because I knew it wasn't good for him to know of how I felt. Plus I felt so guilty for it. I shouldn't have liked him, I really shouldn't. His Chrissie hadn't been gone for long and he was still grieving. I didn't want to interfere with that. Plus I was a female who didn't have worth, it wasn't my place to have such feelings for those above my station.

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