Chapter Forty

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A week later

I stared at the rogue that had trespassed on the territory. Stenton had called everyone to the punishing grounds to do a trial for him. I didn't see why we all had to come but then again he was still on his kick about people not taking him seriously enough after the whelp had cursed him out two weeks ago. I didn't want to be there, it had been two months. Two full months and there had been nothing to show for it. Stenton kept saying they were trying but had nothing to report back.

Every single day was the same fucking response and I was getting tired of looking at Stenton's face to be perfectly honest. They never gave me anything, always promised. Even that fucking whelp was getting more done than him. There was talks about contacting a pack almost two hundred and fifty miles away that was up river from the river merge and another one that was the same distance south. There was talk of 'debris' as if someone had travelled in that direction but I didn't fucking care. It just further went to show that Stenton was making promises he couldn't fucking keep.

"You have trespassed on our territory. Your life could be forfeit. In fact I think we would all like it to be." Stenton looked over the crowd and most of the males kept silent, myself included. This was a useless power play against the pack. No one wanted to be here. The questioning of the rogue and subsequent disposal of him could have been done by the patrols. It was cold out and the entire set up was just Stenton trying to get everyone to fall into line. Cracks were starting to show in the pack and I knew it was driving him nuts. "Give me a reason to spare your life." Stenton spat it out and I crossed my arms over my chest.

The rogue kneeling in front of Stenton, Getts, and Regan wasn't nearly as rough as the ones who had attacked the pack. He was relatively clean and his clothing, while worn weren't filthy. It made little sense as to why he even trespassed, someone dressed like that was clearly a lot smarter than to just trespass. The rogue cleared his throat and looked up at Stenton. "I'm here for the reward money." The words were clear and even and that got everyone's attention, my one included.

"The reward money." Stenton's voice was flat.

"Yes. You offered a ten grand reward for any information that returned a positive identification and the return of some females you lost." The male shifted his knees before sitting back on his heels. "I have some information that would more than likely aid in that. I spotted something interesting in my travels." The rogue spoke clearly as he stared up at my Alpha and my heart warred inside me. Part of me felt hope rising up inside me and the other part hissed at me to not get my hopes up because they would be crushed all over again.

Murmurs filled the crowd and Stenton lost some of his aggressive posture as he stared down at the male almost suspiciously. "Tell me what females." He snapped it out and the rogue nodded.

"A young white female, infant about seven to eight months old, reddish hair, travelling with a half black female, hair longish but kept pulled back in a braid or a bun. Small and timid." The rogue shifted his knees again and wiggled his shoulders as if moving against the rope he was tied in and my heart slammed against the front of my chest. It was them. "Half-shifter. Goes by the name of Menzie? Menka? I didn't pay attention all that much. All I know is they were together." The rogue looked almost lazy as he looked up at Stenton and m Alpha's form was stiff and tense, much like my own. He knew them. He knew them and that meant they were out there.

"Did you lay eyes on them?" Stenton's voice was low and the rogue nodded, giving a small shrug.

"Yes, last week." He looked out over the crowd. "That little female is a pretty little thing, even the half-shifter is pretty looking, I can see why you would want her back." His words brought up that black and ugly feeling of possessiveness and I narrowed my eyes in on him. She was still mine.

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