Chapter Sixty-Three: Part Three

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"Privacy bubble is down." It was said rather lazily and when I glanced at Muffin she was inspecting her nails, looking wholly unimpressed. She was a dangerous witch, she really was, but nothing really seemed to bother her. Most white witches were like that, like they were on a realm above everything else where usual issues didn't reach them. At times it was irritating but I also had the experience of working with them to know that an unbothered and bored witch was the best witch to have around, if they had other emotions then something nasty could happen.

"Are you finished, Petty?" I looked at the other witch and she nodded as she pulled her finger away from Brochan's forehead.

"Just. They will be able to work through all of this without having a mental breakdown. Just keep sweet pea calm. She's the one I'm worried about most." She stood up from her chair and stretched. "Imma head outside cause I wanna see this shit show." She grinned and practically flounced off, heading straight for the door.

I could hear Cassandra muttering under her breath at the flippancy of the witches before she straightened and looked towards Menza and Brochan. "As much as I don't want you out there, Ms Aristotle, I think it is best if you join us for the judgments. They affect you as well." Her voice was gentle as she said it and the poor female looked drawn, like she had been hit upside the head but she nodded and stood up. Duffy followed suit, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Brochan stood as well and he made sure to stick close to Menza, holding her hand tightly. Duffy eyed the touch with utter disdain and I felt it, I truly did. However I couldn't say much against it because the little female wasn't trying to escape and she hadn't told him no. And I was old enough to know that I couldn't always get what I wanted. "Jovan, you're taking lead." At the words I pinched my lips together but nodded all the same.

Officer Bently opened the door and the shouting of the Alpha could clearly be heard. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his theatrics as we headed out of the door and onto the porch. The Alpha was pacing and shouting at the Enforcers and his ranks were watching. I was also aware that there were other pack members slowly coming to see what was going on. All males, no females. It left a sour taste in my throat. I hated the Old Ways, I really did. I had to tamp down my wolf's urge to bare his teeth that he shoved at me.

We had to be impartial.

"What the fuck are you doing on my territory?" The Alpha shouted it out and I crossed my arms over my chest as I came down to the cold front lawn, the others following behind me. He was agitated, it showed in how his form nearly vibrated and how he bared his teeth, his eyes narrowed as the rage he felt washed over him. They were always so mad when we showed up, it would have been amusing if it wasn't for the fact they were mad because they knew they were doing things that were illegal.

"Name." Sasha's voice was loud and the Alpha stopped and sneered at him. A small growl of warning escaped Sasha but I wasn't about to warn the Alpha off of it. I honestly wanted to see Sasha get up close and personal with him.

"Alpha Lane Stenton." The Alpha snapped it out, his tone shaking with rage. "Something you should have known when you were trespassing on my territory!" He threw his arm out at us, gesturing wildly at us all as he let loose a snarl. I simply blinked at him, wondering at what point during the trial he would stop throwing his damned tantrum.

I shifted on my feet. "Alpha Lane Stenton of the Sublatus pack, your pack is in violation of the Personhood Act, the Omega Amendment, put into effect in two thousand and fifteen." I kept my voice loud, so I could be heard clearly as the rest of the Council moved to stand in a line beside me. I knew it was needed because Stenton snarled loudly, a heavy growl rattling through him and then was joined by the growling of his ranks.

"You are in violation of article one. Any Alpha or pack, coming to or residing within in the reach of the Hunters' arm of the law, bringing with them or retaining an Omega, will be in violation in accordance to this amendment as Omegas, as defined as their own separate entity, have been given the all rights to personhood within the Personhood Act and the owning or creating or managing of them for any personal or pack wide use is hereby illegal." Thomasina's voice was loud, projecting clearly as I and Sasha had helped coach her on when she had first started. She also recited the article pretty damned perfectly and I felt a bit of pride at that. "All Omegas will be forfeited and seized and a minimum fine of fifteen thousand dollars per Omega seized from the territory, with a maximum fine of fifty thousand dollars depending on the state of the Omegas found and the care they will require, will be laid upon the offending pack." Her voice rang out and I could see the pack starting to mutter amongst themselves, shifting around as if uncomfortable.

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