Chapter Nineteen

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I didn't like how I felt. There was a dark feeling inside me ever since I let that whelp take Menza and Maeve back home. I had agreed to let him and I honestly couldn't figure out why because I certainly didn't like him for continually tramping down my boundaries. Still I had told him he could go an escort Menza home and I couldn't take that back. I had to just keep doing what I had wanted, my drills and my running. I had been irritated when Menza had called me and then I had felt bad when she had quietly told me Maeve had a slight fever. I needed to work on that, my irritation. It wasn't her fault she couldn't mind-link.

"Fuck, Brochan, if you're tossing males at that little half-breed cause you're tired of her, toss me at her next. Her and I would have a lot of fucking fun." Regan smirked, I didn't have to be looking at him to know he was. That made the dark feeling inside me grow even more. I did not like the male and I wanted him no where near Menza. She was too soft and too sweet to be anywhere near the sadistic bastard. "Have you given her a stiff fucking yet? She needs one to break her in. I bet she squeals like a stuck little piggy when you get going." The words snapped against my skin and I was moving before I realized it. My wolf was snapping and snarling in my head as my fist slammed into Regan's face.

The anger and rage rising up inside of me like a tidal wave drove me forward as I continued to beat the male. He rallied shortly after the shock of my first punch him wore off but I had already gotten in several heavy hits to him before he started swinging. Every bit of anger and agitation that had been building since Chrissie died was coming out of me and I wasn't going to lie, I was glad it was Regan at the receiving end of it. The male deserved the beat down and I wanted him to understand there was a fucking line and that line was stay the fuck away from the female under my care.

I could barely hear others shouting over the pounding of my heart in my ears as I fell into the fight. My wolf wanted to push out, to taste blood on his tongue and have it coat his teeth. I fought against him just as hard as I threw my punches at Regan. It felt mindless but good. It felt good to let out all that blackness, the anger and the rage. It was just as much about Menza as it was anger against the universe and Mene for taking my female from me. It was anger against myself for not being there for her more, anger for Maeve growing up without her mother, anger at how much I failed at protecting my Chrissie, anger at how I was the reason she died. I got her pregnant, I killed her.

One of my punches landed square in Regan's face and the male stumbled backwards, blood pouring from his nose as he tripped and landed in the grass. I advanced, a snarl deep in my throat that I let loose to tear through the air between us. "Enough!" The shout was loud and it shoved at me but I didn't care. "I said enough!" The force of the Alpha's command was hard and it made me freeze in my spot as I glowered at Regan as he sat up, holding his nose. "What the fuck has gotten into you?" Stenton grabbed my shoulder and I bit back a growl I got at the action. I didn't want him fucking touching me.

"He's gotten his cock stuck in that little half-breed bitch is what's going on." Regan spat it out as he got to his feet and I snarled, straining against the command so I could lay him flat like I wanted. "Wish he would let me dip my wick in that honey pot."

"Keep her name out of your mouth!" I pointed at him, straining as hard as I could against the command holding me in place. Regan needed to divert his attention elsewhere and keep his eyes off of those underneath my roof.

He spat on the ground, wiping at the blood that was smeared on his mouth and chin before looking at me. "I didn't say the bitch's name." He gave me a cold grin that had my muscles bulging and my joints aching as my wolf strained against my hold. He hadn't been taught enough of a lesson to stay away from my property and those that belonged to my house.

I snarled again, "You know what I fucking meant!" He needed to keep away from Menza and forget her all together because I could and would kill him if he pushed it. I wanted to hurt him prior to all of this bullshit but now I had a good fucking reason to try and slaughter the sadistic bastard.

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