Chapter Eight

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There wasn't much left in the way of things in the small office the large male had. There had been some older paperwork in some of the desk drawers that I had tucked into their own separate box. I didn't feel comfortable throwing it out, even when he said to toss it out, I didn't know if some of it was important to the position of Master-At-Arms. So I tucked it all into a box and set it off to the side just in case.

There had been some stationary, pens, and other various office supplies that I had tucked into another box and then had tucked that box into the hallway closet. One could never know when they would need some of those things and I figured it was okay to keep, just for that purpose alone. Outside of that I had gathered up all the other things, the chair, the dead plants, and various other things from the space and had set them out on the porch.

He hadn't said that was where they were supposed to go but I also wasn't allowed to leave the house without an escort to take them to the garbage bins so I hoped he was okay with me setting it out on the porch because that was as far as I was able to go without an escort. I felt dusty and dirty and really wished I had some clothes and a chance to shower but I didn't want to upset the male.

He was large, far larger than I was comfortable with. He towered over me in a way that made me feel far too vulnerable and he had a rather volatile temper. I could understand why the Omegas didn't wish to be called upon to be in his territory, he could snap and curse without warning and then he liked to drink. It wasn't that I was against drinking or anything, I knew it wasn't my place to say anything about the habits of males, especially those who now owned me, but when eh drank his temper got more...volatile than usual.

I tended to do my best to stay away from him when he got to be like that. I had only been with him for a day but it was enough to get an instinctive feeling of when I should or shouldn't be around him or in his line of sight. More than likely it was probably a talent given to me by Lisa and father and growing up with them. I did my best to ignore the pang in my chest at the thought of not them but the house I had grown up in. I would more than likely never be allowed to step foot inside of it again.

I knew Lisa must have been ecstatic to have me gone and I doubted father cared, just content to have me no longer be his burden to carry. I wondered if they celebrated my removal before I pushed the hurtful thought away. There was no point in dragging it back up and hurting myself over it. I should have expected this end to happen.

Father never wanted me but never had a good enough excuse to get rid of me. I had always thought that if I took over my mother's estate that it would provide him with a good enough excuse but then he proved to me that I was thinking above my station by dropping it on me that he had sold it. There was no use planning anything in my life. Females weren't given that right, let alone a half-blood like me. However father had gotten his excuse to toss me out of his life and it sounded very much like he would not want to have me return to it in any capacity.

I gave a small sigh as I moved over and picked up the small box of paperwork, carrying it through the house and to the porch. I didn't really want to toss it out because I didn't know if it was important or not but he also seemed to be in a mood where I didn't want to test him. I didn't know exactly what would happen if he snapped on me and I didn't really want to test it at all. A female getting slapped around or hit wasn't uncommon if she set a male off and I didn't want to discover if he was of the mind to do so.

I adjusted the box in my arms and opened the front door. I moved out into the rather mild spring air and carefully set the box next to the others. I wiped my hands off on my skirt with a slight grimace. I didn't really have any other clothes and I itched to have new clothes to wear but I knew that unless the large male escorted me back to home so I could request my things. Even if he did, I didn't exactly know if father or Lisa would let me get my things at all.

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