Chapter Eighty-Four

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Two weeks later

I lay on the couch, my wolf content as he rested his head on Menza's lap. He was utterly content as she scratched as his scalp and rubbed his ears. I had fought with him for as long as I could but it had gotten to the point where I had to give in. To be honest now that I had, I wasn't sure why I had fought him at all. All he had done is whined and crawled onto the couch with Menza, sticking his head on her lap for her to scratch at him

I had to admit it was rather relaxing and I wasn't entirely sure how long we had been laying there but every time Menza had stopped scratching his scalp he would whine and nudge her hand, causing her to give a giggle and return to petting him like he wanted. Maeve had even toddled over from her toy box to grab and yank on his fur, which he loved, licking at her face until she squealed with laughter. He loved his pups, he really did. He hadn't yet gone over to Isla's bassinet but I told him no because she needed sleep rather than him bothering her.

It was hard to believe she was a month old, almost as hard to believe that Maeve was now sixteen months old. She was full on walking now and her babbling was starting to be more words than just random noises. Both my girls were growing so fast and I felt so proud of them both. I loved them to the moon and back and told them every single chance that I could. I had even told Maeve when putting her down for bed that I would love her through the easy parts and the hard parts and that no matter what she could count on me to be there for her, that I would always take care of her. She had given me a sleepy smile as if she understood and was happy before she fell asleep.

There was little I could do to describe how happy I was with the girls, with Menza. A part of me felt like the other shoe was going to drop and the bigger part of me told me to enjoy whatever time I had with them. I felt so much freer with Menza, able to hold her and touch her. She would flush so prettily and give me such a sweet smile it made my chest ache with how much I loved her.

My wolf nudged her hand again as it stilled and she shook her head with a slight smile. "I know but it's time to put Maeve and Isla down for the night." At the words he groaned but I nudged him firmly to get off the couch. He did so, padding his way over to Maeve and licked her cheek, causing her to give a giggle as she patted his head almost roughly.

I made him head towards the bedroom and once inside I shifted back. I rolled my head on my shoulders before grabbing some sweat pants and pulling them on. I left the bedroom and Menza had picked up Maeve and was snuggling her, kissing her chubby cheeks, rocking her back and forth. I paused, taking the moment in as Menza chuckled and Maeve screeched, such a happy moment to witness. I ached for Chrissie, I did, for the fact she never got to do that with our Maeve but Menza was Maeve's mum, she was and I would never take that title away from her. She earned it, she had earned it a hundred times over.

I swallowed against the lump in my throat that the guilt and shame created. "Are you okay if I feed Isla?" I moved into kitchen before glancing over at her.

"Of course. I'll take care of Maeve if you want to do Isla." She kissed Maeve's forehead and I watched them both as I grabbed a bottle and then pulled the formula can close.

"Lala." Maeve patted Menza's face and Menza nodded with a giggle.

"Yes, Isla, your baby sister." She snuggled into her neck, kissing her rapidly and Maeve giggled, scrunching herself up. I smiled as I watched them before I quickly made up Isla's bottle. I made sure it was the correct temperature before I moved over to the bassinet in the living room as Menza softly sung to Maeve, rocking her back and forth. I could see Maeve trying to fight the sleep but her eyes were fluttering closed regardless.

I looked down at Isla with a grin before I undid her swaddle and then took her out of her onesie. She fussed slightly and I shushed her as I lifted her up and pressed her to my bare chest. I wished someone had told me about skin-to-skin contact with feeding when Maeve had been as little as Isla. I felt more connected to her with it and I hated that I missed out on that with Maeve. I held Isla to my chest as I grabbed the side of the bassinet and carried it towards Menza's room.

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