Chapter Twenty-Three: Part Two

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The moment the door closed behind the whelp, Mike shifted on his feet. "I called some other males to join us. Their females have told them Regan has been hanging around the craft hall for a while now so we can hopefully get enough voices for a punishment." He ran a hand through his brown hair, looking pained. "I don't even wanna think about what would have happened if I hadn't listened to Dana." He exhaled, his face going pale as he stared off towards the trees. He shook himself out of it before glancing at me. "That female as a gut instinct like a top warrior. It has never lead her or I wrong so I'm glad I listened." He shook his head slowly, another grimace crossing his face.

"It looked like Delta Regan was going to throw that fucking table at her when Dana and I walked in. I swear to Mene he was going to throw it at her and the pup." He closed his eyes before rubbing his forehead. "It's just good we came when we did." He let out a heavy breath and I nodded slowly.

"I appreciate it." I did. They had arrived and stopped Regan from whatever it was that he had been gearing up to do. I didn't know how badly Menza would have been hurt by being in Regan's clutches or how badly Maeve would have been hurt in the crossfire of that. "She kicked him." The corner of my mouth tugged upwards a fraction. The tugging in my stomach murmured at me, fierce little thing. I was so utterly enraged but I felt proud of her for that. I didn't need that little tugging to urge me to feel it.

"Scratched the hell out of his face too." Mike sounded impressed and I snapped my head to look at him. He cleared his throat as he looked at me. "Cheek to chin, he was bleeding. She scratched him good." He nodded slowly and my mouth tugged upwards once more.

Fierce little thing.

"Are the males going to meet us where Stenton is?" I looked over the grounds and that small smile slipped away. I wanted to track down that fucker and beat him within an inch of his damned life. I paused for a moment, no, I wanted to beat the life out of him. I wanted him six feet under the fucking ground. That was the only thing that would satisfy me but I also knew we had rules for a reason. I had to bring the transgressions to Stenton before I did anything.

"Yah. He's at the training field." Mike's words were all I needed as I stalked away from the craft hall. Menza was safe with her brother, Maeve was safe as well. I knew I didn't need to worry about them for the moment. All I wanted at the moment was that sadistic bastard dead.

My strides ate up the distance towards the training ground and the rage grew thicker and darker inside of me, surging through my veins with every beat of my heart. This wasn't just some 'male talk' this was someone stepping on my territory, directly disobeying my orders surrounding those under my roof. I told him no. I told him to stay the fuck away from her. I made myself as clear as fucking possible to him and he still did it.

It wasn't long until I was aware of several other males following behind me, converging around Mike as we came to the large clearing. Stenton was shouting at Trevor, telling him to get the warriors to tighten up their drills because they looked sloppy. That hot, boiling rage that tasted like ash and sulphur spread across my tongue.

"Stenton!" His name was nothing but a snarl and I watched as he turned his head to look at me.

"Watch your tone." He snapped it out and I rolled my head on my shoulders, the anger making my wolf thrash, struggling to get through, to push out of my skin so he could enact his own justice for the wrong done.

"You take Regan to fucking task before I fucking do!" I growled the words out as I stopped right in front of him. "He put his hand-"

"I know what you little half breed bitch must have said. He already told me about the misunderstanding." Stenton sneered at me and waved me off. My eyes widened and I blinked in shock. He did not just say that.

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