Chapter Twenty-One

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A week later

My muscles pulled and stretched as I did my jumping squats, I kept my eyes forward and refused to look at the males who were copying me rather than paying attention to the new Master-At-Arms. The male was utterly fucking useless in his ability to train the warriors and I had no fucking idea why Stenton picked him. Trevor Henderson was an idiot who lacked the commanding personality to get the warrior to not only respect him, but to listen to him.

"Get back here and run your fucking drills!" The agitated voice of Trevor made me roll my eyes as I stood up straight and shook out my arms before starting my first punching drill. I had worked on kicks, lunges, and dodges earlier and I liked to round off the drills off with alternating drills. I was well aware of the males copying me and moving to their punching drills and it set my teeth on edge. It was within me to snap at them and tell the to fuck off and do what Trevor said but that didn't really work well with me wanting to not be seen as the commanding force on the training field.

I was done with the Master-At-Arms position. I really was. I didn't want to miss out on time with Maeve because I was dealing with the warriors. I wanted to be there every single second I could and I knew Menza would be there with a video for the seconds I couldn't. My form faltered a bit as I thought about her and I scowled darkly. I stopped and moved back to my original position and started over. She was a good female, a kind female, a sweet female. She was the epitome of what a proper Old Way shifter should be. She was and any male would be lucky to have her mother their future pups.

But for some stupid reason the thought didn't sit right with me. I had no clue why but my stomach would cramp and I would get agitated at the thought. There was no one in this pack that was even remotely good enough for her, certainly none that I would pass her off too. Not to mention no one in the pack, besides her little sister and her brother the whelp, seemed to like her all that much. There was no telling how they would treat her if they got their hands on her and that was without adding Regan into that fucking equation.

"Hey!" Trevor's shout was loud and I ignored him as I made my way through the drill, doing my best to empty my mind out of everything but the next move I needed to do. I ended with my fist extended and very close to punching Trevor in the face. He yelped and flailed backwards, landing on his ass in surprise.

"What the fuck, Henderson?" I snapped it out as I pulled my fist back. "You knew what fucking drill I was doing and so you know how it fucking ends." It would have served him right to be punch hard in the face, maybe it would knock some fucking brains into his skull. I had no fucking clue why Stenton gave the male the position, he was clearly fucking useless.

"Stop training the warriors!" His face was red as he got off the ground amid the laughing of the males. I threw them all a dark look and they immediately shut up, looking away quickly.

"I'm not training anyone, Henderson." I shook my head and rolled my shoulders and then my head on my neck before wiping the sweat form my face. The male was such a pain in the ass. He had been a cocky upstart while I had been Master-At-Arms and the position had done him no favours in that department. "Control your warriors. I'm just doing my fucking drills." I scowled at him darkly as I stalked back to my starting point.

I started another drill, putting more effort into it, letting my agitation fuel the motions. My wolf was just as agitated, growling low in his chest as he thumped his tail. I had to agree with him, we weren't doing anything but our drills and we didn't need another male barking at me for his own stupidly pathetic reasons. "Must be really nice to get a little black bitch handed to you by Stenton, some of us actually have to work for shit instead of getting it spoon fed because a female died." At the sour words from Trevor I stopped mid-punch and looked at him. The dark rage that rose up in me was reminiscent of when I beat Regan down for speaking on Menza.

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