Chapter Twenty-Two

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Two weeks later

I smiled down at the small quilt as I ran it through the sewing machine for the last time. It was done! I was super excited because it was finished and I could show Brochan. I pulled it off of the machine and picked up the scissors. I trimmed the loose threads I could see and then smoothed my hand over the pattern. I had gone with little front facing daffodils on each block with some green and blue accents and it honestly looked lovely. I beamed down at it as I traced the closest daffodil.

Lisa had been a big help in helping me keep on track with it and helping maintain my expectations. I was actually surprised at how helpful she was being. She spent most of the time in the craft hall with me, putting in long hours between my quilts and her own projects she was making. Shortly after she had given me the recipe for the buns she had started two separate quilts. She hadn't said much about them but the designs were intricate and I had a feeling she was making them for Simon and Ellie.

Still, she was... I didn't want to say nicer but she kind of was. She wasn't as mean and she didn't ignore me and it made me think of that saying, 'absence makes the heart grow fonder', but I knew Lisa still didn't much care for me. However it was nice to not be on edge around her all the time. She would give me some sparing advice or help me with a difficult block when I needed it and it was calm. I liked it calm.

I couldn't wait to show Brochan the quilt. I knew he would be ecstatic over it and my heart fluttered in my chest at the thought of how wide he would smile. He was such a handsome male. I paused and let out a heavy exhale as I did my best to physically stop the reaction from happening. I really liked Brochan, I did. More than I should but he was just so kind and nice and so handsome. I felt so utterly guilty for it. I wanted to be his friend, to help him grieve his female and I was but I hadn't expected to like him as much as I did.

It wasn't fair, not to him. I would never, ever let him know because it would devastate him to know that I liked him like that. He had never said so but I was fairly positive he thought we were friends and I wasn't about to ruin our friendship because I had a stupid little crush on him. I swallowed hard, the guilt and shame making my stomach knot up. It was honestly ridiculous to feel like I was. I shook my head and closed my eyes. It was just because he was the first male who ever treated me well outside of my family. That was the only reason I was feeling like I was.

I opened my eyes and scowled at the sewing machine. I would get over it because nothing would ever come of my silly little crush. Brochan loved his female, she held his entire heart and was half of his soul. I could never hope to compare to that and I honestly didn't want to. I twas far above my station. I was a half-shifter, I was honestly not worth enough for a male, especially one like Brochan. He was a strong warrior and well-respected in the pack. I was... I was me. I was a burden. Not worth the effort to be with. Any children I did have would be half-breeds. I was worthless.


That word slapped at me and I flinched but did my best to push it away as I got off of the chair, holding Maeve's quilt close. I pushed the chair back in and moved back over to my quilting table. Lisa's table was right close to mine and her projects took up a lot of space, even some on my table but I didn't mind. I smiled again, nearly skipping as I headed to Maeve's chair. "I have something for you, baby girl!" I sang it out as I came to her chair. I held up the quilt, making sure it was fully visible. She giggled and gave a happy screech as I peaked at her over the quilt. "Do you like it?" I grinned at her as she reached for the quilt, giving grabby hands as if she wanted to hold it.

"Sorry, baby girl, you can have it after your daddy sees it!" I lowered the quilt, giving her a soft smile. I adjusted my grip on the quilt so I could reach out and smooth my thumb across her pudgy cheek. She was such a dear and sweet little female. Always smiling and happy. I knew Chrissie would be more than proud of her, I knew I was. She gave a happy screech, reaching up and grabbing at my hand. I let her grab some fingers but pulled back when she tried to jam them into her mouth. "Are you getting hungry?" I stroked her down her cute little nose and she cooed as she looked up at me. "We will get you something to eat right away."

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