Chapter Fifty-One

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A few days later

"You're amazing!" The words were followed by a girlish giggle and I looked over at Amaya as she watched me scrape out the brownie batter into the pan. "She's the bestest, muma! I love her so much!" She went to wrap her arms around me and Dana made a sharp sound, causing the little girl to jolt.

"Remember she has ouchies on her back, Maya. We have to be gentle." Dana's voice was gentle and soft with the correction and Amaya giggled again.

"Sorry, I forgot!" She reached out and carefully hugged my arm, resting her small chin on it as she smiled up at me. "You gettin' better though?" She blinked those cute brown eyes up at me and I smiled, nodding softly at her. "That's good! When I feel bad upset or sick or hurt, muma and daddy always make me feel better and I know muma helps you with your ouchies so that's how I know you're feelin better!" She giggled again and I smiled down at her before setting down the now scrapped clean bowl. "Can I lick the spoon, Enssssa?" Her tone went almost low and conspiratorial as she drew out my name and Dana laughed from where she was chopping vegetables for snacks for the kids.

"It's a spatula and go right ahead, Enza. She can have it." At the words I smiled as Amaya gasped, letting my arm go to press her hands to her cheeks with a happy grin. I held out the spatula with the brownie batter on it towards her.

"Thank you!" She snatched it from my hand and bounded out of the kitchen with her chocolatey prize.

Dana chuckled and I grabbed the bowl and carried it to the sink. "She's going to be bouncing off the walls." There was so much affection to her voice that it made my chest almost ache as I thought of my own mum. That tone reminded me so much of the foggy memories I had of my own mum. "Thanks for offering to keep her off my skirt while I portioned out these veggies." I nodded at her, giving her a smile as I grabbed a cloth and moved over to the counter Amaya and I had been using to make the brownies. "Plus if those brownies are the same ones Lisa has been bringing to potlucks, I'm going to have to give you a big old smooch because those are my favourite!" The words had my smile growing slightly, Dana was so nice to me. She really was. Her and Mike both.

"They are." I nodded slowly as I cleaned up the egg shells and tossed them out before cleaning up the slight flour mess that Amaya had a big hand in making. I couldn't complain she was such a cute little girl. "Can I put them in the oven?" I turned towards Dana, clasping my hands in front of me, my fingers twisting the cloth slightly.

"Oh go right ahead." She threw me a wide grin over her shoulder. "As I said my house is your house. Do what you want, I don't mind." She shrugged, her eyes crinkling at the corners and despite the words and the warmth they had, I still felt a little strange being there. I liked being with Dana and Mike, they were so nice to me. They had insisted I stay in bed for the first four days I was there. My stomach was still upset but they had been more concerned with my back and how it was healing.

Dana had been helping me change the bandages twice a day and putting on the salves. With the rest they forced me to take, the wounds had closed again and were actually healing very well. Dana had said numerous times that Mene was a miracle worker because, while they were going to scar, they weren't going to lay me out for six weeks or more to do so. She said the gifts had been amazing and that she was impressed that I was healing as well as I was.

"Mumma! Iz hungry!" At the demanding tone of Dana's youngest, Timothy, as he toddled into the kitchen had Dana chuckling. I turned and put the brownies in the oven, setting the timer before I closed it.

"Yes, my sweet boy. I know. I'm getting you a snack." She nodded her head and I brought the cloth back over to the sink as Timothy spotted me.

He gasped and toddled over quickly. "Essa!" He held up his hands and I crouched down, making sure my back wasn't stretched or moved suddenly as I had my arms full of four year old little boy. He gave my cheek a big kiss. "I loves you!" He gave me an adorable cheeky grin that had me smiling back as I lightly pinched his cheek and then tapped the tip of his nose. He giggled almost hysterically as he hugged me again, I hugged him back, feeling that ache inside me grow.

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