Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The Hunter pulled the car to a stop when the moon was high in the sky and Maeve was fast asleep. I had also napped but it became hard after wounds seemed to wake up and scream at me. They were still painful but I hadn't wanted to tell the Hunter. He didn't look impressed to begin with and he had said nothing to me the entire drive. I shifted in my spot and openly winced as my stitches pulled and I pressed a hand to bandages, exhaling slowly.

A phone suddenly started ringing and I winced as I jumped slightly, the pulling on my stitches growing worse. I grabbed the small bag Lilith had given me and the phone that they gave me was bright and ringing. I quickly pulled it out and answered. "Hello?" I was a little confused but I figured that someone from Fortis was trying to contact me.

"I know you arrived. You need to change those bandages." Doc Howard's voice was stern and I found myself giving a shaky smile. I was touched he called to remind me.

"I will." I knew they needed to be changed but I also wasn't sure I could do it in the car and I didn't want to ask the Hunter for help. I didn't want to irritate him more than he seemed to be.

"I don't want you doing it yourself. So ask one of the priestesses for help. They will know what to do with it. And put more salve on." The orders were almost grumped out and I could understand why he was upset. He hadn't thought I was ready to go and I had to agree with him. I was sore and exhausted and the prospect of walking seemed horrendous. "Did you eat anything?"

I pinched my lips together and let out a small sigh. "No."

"You need to eat, Menza. You can't get better unless you eat. Did the Hunter not stop anywhere?"

At the question, I winced. "No."

He gave a small curse. "Mene! I knew I never should have let you go. They can't follow basic decency! You should have been fed. I bet you weren't even given time to give baby Maeve a bottle, were you?" At the words I glanced at Maeve but pinched my lips together. I really didn't want to answer that because we hadn't. "I'll take your silence as agreement. They will be hearing about this. If they're going to be taking my patients away they better damn well give them appropriate care." He was agitated, I could hear it in his voice and I winced slightly as I watched as the Hunter glanced in the rear view mirror before opening his door and getting out. "Now get something to eat, nothing too thick or hearty, aim for a broth but non-creamy soups will be good and make sure Maeve gets a bottle at the same time. Ask one of the priestesses for help. I'm sure they will be glad to. Now what are you going to do?" At the question I pursed my lips as I looked outside of my window and spotted numerous people dressed in white or grey robes waiting outside of the car.


"No. Change your bandages and get some more salve put on first. Then you can eat and get miss Maeve fed." There was a firm reprimand to Doc Howard's voice that made me smile a bit. I really appreciated that he was so concerned and worried. I wasn't used to anyone outside of Ellie and Simon acting like that.

"Okay." I nodded and he gave a small huff.

"Good. I'll call in half an hour to make sure you did what I said. After you talk to me, go to sleep. You need it." There was an almost fatherly sternness to his voice that had my heart turning over in my chest.

"Thank you, Doc." I truly meant it. I appreciated him so much for calling just to boss me around a bit. It made me feel like someone else cared about what happened to me outside of my siblings.

"It's nothing. Now scoot. Get those bandages changed." With that he ended the call and I tucked it back into the little bag Lilith gave me.

My door opened and I jumped and a taller female looked down at me, a light grey robe swirling around her bare feet. "Welcome to Altia, hemi-lykos, we are glad to have you. I am Ambris, the Head Priestess." She tilted her head as she looked at me. Power fairly radiated off of her and I wasn't quite sure what to do or say as I looked at her. There was something unearthly about her. "I understand you have some injuries and haven't quite healed from them." She lifted her hands and clasped them in front of her stomach, the sleeves hiding them from view. "I take it your prior doctor had given you your instructions?" At the question and the slightly raised eyebrow, I gave a small nod.

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