Chapter Sixty-Six

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I sat on the bench in the small cell. I wasn't sure how long I had sat there for. The Council had come with the paperwork on the custody agreement for Maevw and I hadn't questioned it, hadn't even really read it over before I signed. It was good that she was getting out of the pack, that she was going with Menza. I could only imagine how excited and happy she would have been, how happy Menza would have been.

Guilt and shame cramped my stomach and I hung my head as I rubbed at my knuckles. I was a horrible male, there was no excuses or reasoning to justify anything that happened. I felt sick with myself, so very sick. I had denied Maeve Menza, the female who had helped me care for her for most of her short life. She had taken care of Maeve, loved her, saved her. I was glad Maeve was going with her so I didn't care about any stipulations or clauses the Council had given me for it.

"Let me see her!" William's voice was pitched with panic and heavy growls echoed in the halls. "Just let me see her!" He had been going on that for what felt like hours. Stenton had dissolved into snapping and snarling before he shifted and I was aware that his wolf was more than likely chewing on the bars of his cell to try and get out. I found a sick sort of satisfaction with that, with how they were all reacting.

Reagan was screaming that he was innocent, that he didn't do anything wrong, that Stenton ordered him to do it and it took all I had not to snarl in response and yell at him to shut up. He was still lying, still believing his own fucking delusions. The shame reached its way up from my stomach, squeezing my throat. I let him do it. I let him punish her. I should have said something, should have stopped it and I didn't. I let him do that to Menza. Sweet, kind, innocent Menza.

"Hey." At the word I looked up and Mike was standing in front of the small cell and I nodded at him, my throat tight with the shame as he looked around. "Just checking to make sure you haven't offed yourself. They take your bootlaces?" He made a point of looking at my boots and even the half hearted attempt at humour couldn't pull me away from the feelings that were swirling inside me.

"I wouldn't do that." I wouldn't kill myself, not now. I needed to be punished, needed to take what was ordered, and what I had requested, from the Hunters. I would carry those marks on me for what I allowed to happen. I wouldn't take the easy way out. "I still haven't been punished." I glanced at him and Mike gave a small shrug.

"I figured it was because those Hunters check on you too much." He gave a small smile at that, chuckling lightly before he put his hands in his pockets. "Menza came over, Maeve was ecstatic to see her." The words made me flinch slightly but I knew I deserved it.

"That's good." It was. I wanted Maeve to be happy, I wanted her taken care of and I knew Menza loved her, so fucking much. I was honest when I said she was the only person I would trust her with. Maeve was my whole world and I knew that she had become Menza's too. The reminder of that stung, it created a burning, aching hole in my chest. I took that from her, I took Maeve from her and ended up punishing them both for my stupid fucking anger that I felt like I couldn't let go.

"They both left with Duffy. Didn't say where they were going but Duffy said they would be okay. I'mglad they're gone to be honest. " At Mike's words I just nodded, rubbing at my face and closing my eyes as a faint sound of shifting echoed through the cinder block building.

"What do you mean gone?" Stenton's voice was vicious and I slowly opened my eyes, my teeth clenching tightly. "Where did they go?" The viciousness increased in his tone and I narrowed my eyes. "That female will be ushering in a new era for the pack once she reaches age of maturity-"

"You are not touching my fucking daughter!" The words bellowed out of me as I got to my feet. "You will never touch her! It'll be a cold day in fucking hell before I let you make her into a fucking broodmare!" I snarled the words out, unable to withhold my anger nor my wolf's. All the rumours and talk I had heard, all the lies he told, I wasn't going to let him anywhere near my daughter. There was no way I was going to allow Maeve back on the territory, not while he was still fucking breathing.

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