Chapter Eighty-Five

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Two weeks later

It was all so... strange. I wasn't quite sure how else to explain it. Brochan was significantly more affectionate with me, he always found an excuse to pull me in for a hug or to kiss my cheek or to hold my hand. He was very attentive, making sure I had food if I was hungry or had breaks from taking care of the girls. Not that I ever really needed many, I loved them both and taking care of them, while exhausting at times, was something that I loved and enjoyed.

He also cleaned the house before I ever had a chance to and there were times there were new flowers on the counters and he would explain them to me and that he got someone to pick them up for me. He hadn't really gone back to work but Jace had said it was better for him to be at home with me until Isla was old enough that her immune system was better so that others could help look after her with me. Brochan hadn't argued and just told me he loved spending time with me and the girls and he appreciated the fact he was allowed to stay home and help.

He was a good male. A very good male. I understood Chrissie's feelings, I did. She made her choice not to wait for him and it pained me but I understood her position. Just as I understood his. It hurt, it did, to remember everything, to remember what had happened bu I chose to look past it. Brochan had lost his way, he had but now he was back. I knew he still looked back at it though, I knew he did. It was in the sad eyes he had sometimes when he looked at me.

It was okay though. I said it to myself firmly. It was okay. We were okay.

"Isla sleeping through the night yet?" At Amber's question I shook my head.

"No. She is still mainly awake during the night." She had a backwards internal clock and it made it a bit more difficult to help look after Maeve. I was trying though, pushing through it. I loved both of my girls. I truly did.

Thank you. For taking care of my family. For being the mum I wished Maeve would have. You have brought warmth to my daughter's life and you have brought her so much love.

Chrissie's words made the slight guilt I got from calling Maeve my girl fade away. She saw what I was to her, she saw how I loved her and she approved of me. That slight tugging happened and I smiled just a bit, knowing Chrissie was with me, that she watched and she cared. I grieved for her too though, a new sort of pain that struck me at odd times. She had been robbed of so much and I hated that. She deserved to be a mother, to be the mum Maeve had so I always made sure to hug Maeve extra tight, trying hard to hug her tight enough for the both of us.

"Well keep sleeping when she does." Amber's voice was soft and I nodded. I cat napped a lot during the day just because of that. I had hated it at first because I couldn't clean the house when I was sleeping but Amber and Duffy said I was burning myself out and I needed to stop. The moment they said that, Brochan had become almost militant in making sure that when Isla was asleep, so was I and that if Maeve was down for her nap, so was I. His wolf had even joined with me at times, his large head laying on my belly to ensure I wouldn't get up and would actually sleep.

I liked the large creature, I liked scratching his head and rubbing his soft ears. He was so friendly and he adored the girls, I could see it. When I had introduced him to Isla he had been beside himself, whining and pacing but barely coming close, as if he was scared he would accidentally hurt her because he was so very big and she was so small. I had gotten him calmed down and he had then given her the tiniest of licks before letting out such a heaving and happy sigh that it had me giggling and waking Isla up.

"Outside of that, how are you doing?" Amber was pressing slightly but my brain wasn't shutting off enough to really listen. "Can we talk about your infertility?" That question caught my attention and I blinked at her. "About how it makes you feel?" She was urging me and I blinked again and then again.

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