Chapter Fifty-Five: Part Two

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The front door opened and I could hear Brochan's low, bass voice nearly growling with agitation as he spoke to Mike. My heart jumped up into my throat and I swallowed convulsively even as Dana grasped my shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze.

"Can you just let her know without being an asshole about it?" Mike sounded agitated and exasperated as he stalked into the kitchen, his expression tight with irritation. I could hear Brochan coming, his large body making the floor creak, much like they did underneath Jason's bulk.

"I have shit to do, Mike." He sounded agitated and I clasped my hands together tighter, wringing them over and over again. I glanced up right as he stepped into the kitchen. He didn't look at me, his gaze on Mike's back as the other male grabbed the box Jeremy brought. He was still as handsome as I remembered but there was a scruff on his jaw and he looked a bit rumpled. I wanted to ask him if he was alright but all that did was cause a searing pain through my chest because he was ignoring me, like he was pretending I didn't exist, ad I knew he wouldn't want me talking to him. He had said it enough.

"Then do it." Mike snapped it out, his entire form tense and I looked at the floor, shuffling on my feet slightly. It was the first time I had seen Brochan in weeks and I didn't know what to do or say. He hated me, what could I say to him?

"You are to listen to Mike and go to this Duffy's place." Brochan nearly growled it out, his voice a heavy shove against my shoulders. I glanced up but he wasn't looking at me, his narrowed eyes gaze on Mike's back. "I don't know why I even needed to come here and tell you this. You should have just listened to Mike in the first place!" His voice started to rise as vitrioll poured off of him in waves that crashed over me and I flinched under the heavy reprimand in his words.

Mike whirled around from his spot by the table. "Shut up." He snapped it out and stalked towards the other male. "This is yours." His voice was nearly vicious and I glanced up right as I watched him shove the box of my things at Brochan's chest. "When you're ready to pull your fucking head out of your ass, open it. Now get out if you can't be polite." Brochan gave a low growl that was echoed in Mike but he took the box and turned, walking away.

I closed my eyes against it all, ignoring the confusion of why Mike would give him the box and trying to breathe through the hostility that lingered in the air in his wake. I had no one to blame but myself but it still hurt. All I could remember is us laughing together and having fun, raising Maeve, and being happy. It hurt me that I was the reason we could no longer have that.

"Hey, let's get you to your room. Simon will be over shortly but you should start packing." Dana put her arm around my back and I nodded, letting her guide me out of the kitchen and to the small room that had been my home for the last few weeks. I was losing it though and I didn't know if I would ever be back. That struck me hard. I didn't have any stability in my life and I knew I was at fault for that. "I'll find you a suitcase." Dana rubbed my back before she turned and left me alone in the room. I slowly turned and sat on the bed, staring at nothing. I didn't understand why things kept happening to me, why my life was the mess it was.

Mene said my life's chord was soaked in the tears of fate but I didn't understand why it had to be. I didn't understand why things couldn't just stop, why I wasn't allowed to catch my breath and adjust. Everything kept coming at me and I barely had time to recover and everything in my life was thrown up in the air. It was chaotic, that was the only thing I could use to describe it. My life was in chaotic little pieces and I wasn't allowed to stop to put them back together again.

And that hurt.

I wasn't sure how long I sat there until I became aware of someone looking at me. I barely turned my head before the bedroom door closed and Simon let out a sigh. "Hey fluff for brains." His voice was thin and it wavered slightly and I swallowed hard against the sudden lump in my throat. I looked at him and he gave me a faint smile but his expression told me just how torn he was. "Seems you're going to blow this popsicle stand and get out of dodge." He slowly moved over and sat beside me on he bed. "Can't say I don't blame you but don't forget about me, okay?" He nudged me slightly and I wanted to crawl onto his lap and fall to pieces because out of everyone, Simon would hold me and then help me pick up the pieces.

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