Chapter Twenty-Eight: Part Two

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I walked behind Brochan, my head low. He wasn't holding my wrist and I shoved away the pang that hit my chest at the loss of that. I had no right to be upset. This was upsetting for Brochan, he was dealing with a lot of emotions. I didn't rank in that and I needed to be there for him, however he needed me to be. And right now I knew he didn't want to touch me and he wanted me to be quiet. He hadn't said it but I could tell.

I had scrubbed my skin nearly raw in the shower, washing everything away, trying to cleanse my mind the same. I wanted it all to slide down and into the drain, never to be seen again. It didn't work. But then again I hadn't thought it would. I had been clean though. My hair washed and then washed again, my skin nearly raw from all the scrubbing. I knew washing my hair would mean I wouldn't be able to dry it properly before we left but I knew it was better to wash it and have it be damp than for Brochan to smell what we had done.

I had dried it as best as I could, fluffing it out and using some of Simon's old cotton t-shirts he had given me to take out as much moisture as possible but it was still damp. I could feel it was in the braided bun I had it in. I knew I would have to dry it better tonight but I shrugged it off. I was used to that happening at times and could deal with it appropriately.

The craft hall came into view and I felt a tiny bit of relief. There was an awkwardness between us and Brochan had this faint tension that thrummed in his body. It made him not look at me or get close enough to touch. I understood. He was working through a lot of things he didn't want to have happen. He deserved to have his space. That was why I had packed Maeve and I a lunch. That way he wouldn't have to see me for longer than he wanted. It was the best possible solution.

"Hey, fluff for brains!" Simon called it out and when I looked he was leaning against the front of the craft hall. "Early birdie you are today." He gave me an easy grin that sent a flush of embarrassment through me. I didn't want him to ever know what happened between Brochan and I. I didn't want him to look at me differently. He had warned me and females weren't allowed to do that sort of thing. I belonged to Brochan by the pack's laws but that didn't mean people would change how they looked at me. Purity was everything to an unmated female.

Now I was worthless and unpure.

The thought slapped me so hard I actually froze midstep. I had nothing left. Absolutely nothing. There was a curious hollowness that opened up inside of my chest, swallowing everything until I felt numb. I blinked a few times, trying to process the implications of what happened, of what that meant for me before Simon waved his hand in front of my face with a low sound of concern.

"You okay, Enza? You went really pale there." My big brother, my best friend, bent down, looking me in the eyes with such a concern it made me want to cry but it was the stiffening of Brochan's shoulders, his entire form going tense with a warning he didn't need to say.

"I drank too much wine." I croaked it out and he laughed, slinging his arm around my neck and pulling me to his chest as he rubbed my back.

"Awwww, my sissie's suffering her first hangover." He almost baby talked it to me before giving me a squeeze. "Eh, I'll take it easy on you today. Keep my squawking to a minimum. How does that sound?" He let me go, grabbing my shoulders and he gave me that comforting and familiar grin. I hesitantly smiled back with a nod and he chuckled again. "No more of that, hey?" He winked at me and I felt the sudden urge to throw up on his feet. Definitely no more. I never wanted to drink again and it had nothing to do with the headache pounding inside my skull. "If you get anymore green around your gills I'll get you some of my quick fix magical elixir. Will help with the nausea." He attempted to ruffle my hair with another chuckle before he let me go.

"Now, lemme see miss Mayberry!" Simon turned to Brochan and held out his hands. Maeve gave a tired little babble as Brochan passed her over. "You and I are going to have so much fun, little miss. You won't ever wanna go home." Simon bounced her slightly in his arms and she patted him, babbling back rather seriously.

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