Chapter Ten

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"Hello sweet little thing, aren't you the most precious thing I have ever seen." I looked down at the baby, watching as she blinked up at me. I could feel her focusing her gaze on my face and I swayed her back and forth before reaching up and running the tip of my finger down the adorable little curve of her nose. She gave a coo and the corners of her mouth lifted slightly. "You are getting ready to learn to smile, aren't you?" I watched as she gave another soft coo before reaching up and sucking at her fist. "You aren't hungry. I just fed you." And burped her. She had a big bottle and now I was just waiting to see if she would want to sleep.

I had been staying with Brochan and helping take care of little Maeve for a week now and I was already getting a little attached to the little girl. She was just a sweet little thing who enjoyed my presence, which was a cooling balm to the usual response I garnered from those around me, mainly Brochan. I was more than aware he didn't want me anywhere near him and there were several times when he got drunk where he would hiss the words out and I would retreat to my room to wait him out.

There wasn't anything I could do. I had been handed off to him, I wasn't allowed back into my father's house. I could only imagine the reception I would get from him and Lisa if I even attempted. Not to mention the Alpha would be upset with me and would probably see fit to punish me for 'running away'. I doubted it would matter to him if it was Brochan sending me away.

"You are so darling, you know that?" I let her grab my pointer finger and she stared at it for a moment before she looked up at me and scrunched her face up, letting out a rather loud coo. "Such a big talker too. You are going to be a handful when you grow up." I bounced her slightly and her eyes closed as she made a faint sucking motion with her mouth.

I knew Brochan didn't want me around but he was nice for letting me stay. He never followed through with kicking me out, letting me retreat to the small bedroom he had given me leave to use. The Delta had brought over a small bed frame and a mattress for me and I had wanted to avoid him entirely but he had found reasons to stand too close to me, to brush his hand across my lower back, far too low to be considered proper. The remembrance of the slimy feeling I got from him touching me made me shudder.

Then when he had gone to leave he had waited until he was behind Brochan before making a kissing face at me, his dark eyes glinting and sharp, the feeling they left made my stomach feel queasy. I hadn't liked how he looked at me or how he had been acting but I knew it wasn't my place to bring it up, especially not to Brochan. I didn't want to give him a reason to toss me to the Delta. He might have been a bit aggressive when he got drunk but h never touched me improperly or at all and despite him hissing at me that he didn't want me under his roof, being here was better than being stuck with the Delta. I knew the male had nothing good planned for me.

"Is she ready to sleep?" Brochan's voice was low and I pulled myself away from the thoughts with a strained smile as I nodded. I glanced at him and he was standing near the door to the nursery, his expression closed off but a heavy line between his eyebrows.

"She ate well and I think she's ready. She fighting to keep her eyes open." And she was. Her little eyelids were straining as if to open a crack but then almost immediately they would relax again.

"Okay. Bring her here." His voice was slightly gruff and I nodded as I carried her from the kitchen towards where he was standing. He said nothing as he gently took her from my arms.

"I'm going to shake out the rugs from the living room if you need me to get you anything." I clasped my hands in front of me and glanced at him but all he did was give a faint nod as he closed the nursery door. I stared at the door for a moment before bolstering myself.

It was better here, there were worse places father could have sent me. I just had to remember that. It could always be worse, Brochan was harsh, yes, but he was far better than the Delta would be. I could accept not being wanted. I had grown up with it after all. I knew there was nothing to be upset about. I had lived this same story my entire life. I just needed to push forward through it all.

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