mr. nice guy

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"He did not even look at my sandwich!" Bunny wailed, her head on Dana's lap as the female tried to put cucumber on her eyes to soothe her eyebags

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"He did not even look at my sandwich!" Bunny wailed, her head on Dana's lap as the female tried to put cucumber on her eyes to soothe her eyebags. I had just reached the dorm and decided to give the girls a visit.

"Stop crying so much, you look like a tomato." Dana frowned. "Nabi, you're here. Where did you go?"

"Was handling a few more fan-calls. You kept the door open and—"

"Unnie! Lee Jeno is so mean! So, so, so, mean!" Bunny grabbed her cheeks, squeezing it with her hands when Dana slapped her hand away and hissed. "I even made a sandwich with a heart!"

"Oh, don't be dramatic." Dana rolled her eyes and I saw that Aera was on her phone, the Co-head CC Staff giving me a smile. "Bunny tried to give Lee Jeno a sandwich today. He turned her down and she lost it. Tell Nabi what you said."

Bunny bounced up, the cucumber sliding down her cheek and I took a seat.

"I told him." She straightened herself up and spoke loudly. "One day, I'll find someone who likes me back!"

I was taken aback at what she said, giving her a thumbs up. "Good for you, Bunny."

"Wait for it," Dana told me.

"But then I said, 'Not todayyyyyyyyy'!" Bunny whimpered, falling back down onto the bed. I winced.

"Should have stopped at the first line," Dana told her, Bunny grabbing a pillow and covering her face. Aera gave Bunny a sympathetic glance before sitting up. "Aera, can you at least try to comfort her?"

"And what? She'll be fine in no time." Aera crossed her legs. "Besides, Bunny. Lee Jeno?"

I leaned back, watching the three converse. I was never one to get myself involved in other people's affairs but it seemed like Kim Bunny was shaken up from Jeno's rejection. I have heard enough about Lee Jeno to know that he was a tough cookie to break and while I did agree on the fact that she could find her feelings reciprocated had it been another man, Lee Jeno did seem like a solid dude.

"Bunny, you just have to take it step by step."

"Step by step? Nabi, she's been in love with him since she was in Grandmaster. It's been years."

"Oh no," Bunny mumbled, her lips turning down once again. Just when I thought that it was only Bunny, another female walked through the door and plopped on Aera's bed. She too, had a runny nose and bloodshot eyes. "Wow. Yahoo, did you just bury a body?"

Yahoo looked distraught. The quiet female mumbling something under her breath before she groaned, her hand going up to cover her face.

"I like him so much!" she finally said. "But it's forbidden!"

"Now, who is she talking about?" Dana asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Na Jaemin," I mouthed to Dana whose jaw dropped open. Na Jaemin? Dana mouthed back and I nodded. But he's a player! I nodded to that, Dana shaking her head.

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