stay angry

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Jaehyun could not wipe Nabi from his mind

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Jaehyun could not wipe Nabi from his mind. He twisted and turned on his bed, messages from Yena going unread.

Yena: Jeno is moving up with Jaemin.
Yena: You know how good he is.
Yena: We need to secure our rankings, Jae. Wake up earlier, train harder.
Jaehyun: Whatever you want.
Yena: Once he secures his rankings, god knows what would happen to yours.
Jaehyun: It's not a competition, Yena.

Nabi had taught him that everyone could succeed. Yena was the type who would do anything to keep him at the top with her. Jaehyun's fingers stopped above Nabi's name. She was online 7 hours ago.

Of course, she was hardly online. Was it because she was with Hansol? Was it because they were spending time together?

Jaehyun sat up, groaning with frustration when he pressed his lips together.

"Talk to her," Taeyong said suddenly and Jaehyun looked over to his roommate.

Taeyong was a sensitive man. He could pick up on feelings before others he knew that Jaehyun was in a pickle. The Human-Ai halfling looked up from his book, giving Jaehyun a sympathetic look.

"Whatever it is, just talk to her. She's a reasonable woman."

But this was beyond reason. Jaehyun's feelings were beyond reason and he knew that Nabi had every right to get mad at him. He decided to just go for it, the male making his way down the dorm staircase.

It was dark and he squinted at the lack of light, the male heading over to the girl's dorm building when he heard two voices talking. He froze when he recognized the voices.

"You kicked me, Nabi!" Hansol was saying and Jaehyun ducked behind a pole. Hansol had his arm around her shoulder just like how Jaehyun used to do. His heart twisted.

"You deserved it," she said before laughing. He watched her reach up to grab his face to inspect his cheek. "I forgot to ask. Did you email Japan back?"

Hansol gave a grunt.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" he asked and she sighed.

"And what?"

"And we can retire and have kids."

"Keep dreaming," she answered but Jaehyun could hear how lighthearted she sounded.

"Do you not love me, Nabi?" Hansol asked. "Do I not have a chance?"

"I closed that chapter with you a long time ago, Han," she murmured and Hansol sighed. "I don't reread already read books."

"Is Jung Jaehyun part of that long list of read books?" Hansol asked and Jaehyun tensed at the mention of his name. She was silent before she chuckled, a smack sounding to show that she had hit him.

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