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The media shows Cameron's bedroom.  Just pretend the walls are painted in bright red because I can't find a picture of a bright red room on Google

Cameron's pov

"Hi Cameron! Welcome to the neighborhood!", Tyler said.

"Thank you! Nice to meet you Tyler! How old are you?", I asked getting up. I know asking a person's age is really rude but I just got to ask. He's hawt. And cute.

"Um......17. How about you?", Tyler asked feeling uncomfortable. I immediately felt embarrassed by asking him his age. I hate myself.

"I'm 17 too!" I said all friendly like. I tried to sound casual.

"Cool", he said staring at me. I stared at him back. We stood there quietly.

"Cami! I need you here!", Mom called me from the outside of my house.

"I guess I have to go now.Thanks for the awesome lemonade Mrs.Brock. See you later,Tyler", I said and walked out of the house and went back to my house to help Mom.


Ugh. Arranging and cleaning the house is really a hard job. Finally, the house looked spick and span. "Mom, I am going to my room", I said while running up the stairs two at a time. I reached my room and switched on the fan. I tied my hair into a messy bun and sat on my bed under the fan. I reached for my phone and checked my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram account. After a while I had my bath and slipped into my favourite soft T-Shirt with a pair of track bottoms.

At 8.00p.m, I went downstairs to have my dinner. Mom cooked light food for all of us but I ordered a pizza anyway. I love pizza!! When the pizza delivery guy rang the bell of my house, I quickly paid the pizza delivery guy and took the pizza box from him.  Six slices of pizza will sure make me full. I ate my lovely pizza while watching Glee S6.


Trying to sleep at night at a new place is a really hard thing for me to do. I kept tossing and turning here and there with a song called 'Chains' by Nick Jonas stuck in my head. Finally I got up and turned on the lights. I tied my hair into a messy bun went to the window of my room. I remembered that there is the woods behind my house. But there is something glowing in the woods that made all the trees and bushes growing there looked magical. I wanted to explore it. Since I can't sleep, I would like to explore it now. I put on my black sweater on me and walked out of my room quietly. I went to the kitchen to take a torchlight from the drawer. I opened the front door quietly and stepped outside. It was quite chilly out here. I closed the door and put on my boots and I went to the back of the house and into the woods.

I switched on the torch light. It shone brightly. I walked into the woods. There were a lot of fireflies flying around the big, ancient trees. The whole place looked magical. It was really beautiful. As I walked farther in, I did not expect to see a waterfall. It was so damn beautiful. I gasped. I sat near the waterfall and felt the water spray from the waterfall spraying on me. I smiled gleefully. I could do this all day! Then I got up and explored the woods a little further more. The cool air brushing past my face. The trees rustled like the papers in the book when you flipped it open. The scenery was mesmerizing.

Suddenly I heard a rustle and footsteps approaching. I quickly hid myself behind a tree. It was Tyler Brock! I was surprised. He walked pass where I was hiding and he sat on a log in near where I'm hiding. He bent down and took an acoustic guitar that was hidden behind the log where he was sitting. Then he started singing and strumming the guitar. My knees went weak. His voice was really good! He was singing beautifully. I didn't know what song he was singing. I peeked and listened him singing. I wasn't aware of myself till suddenly I stepped on a broken twig. I gasped and hid quietly behind the tree again. Tyler stopped playing and looked around him. After for a while,he just shrugged his shoulders and kept on playing. My heart was racing. After he finished playing,he hid his guitar behind the log and he stood up and walked away from where I was hiding. When I was sure he is not there, I came out of my hiding place and took the guitar behind the log. It was beautiful! I couldn't stop stroking the guitar.

"What do you think you're doing?", a voice startled me. I jumped a little and turned behind. It was Tyler.

"Uh.....well.....I...I'm s..sorry. I believe this is yours", I stuttered and handed him his guitar. He took it from me and hid it behind the log.

"Never tell anyone about this", he said to me. I nodded. "What are you doing here?", he asked again.

"What are you doing here?", I asked him back.

"Fair enough. I was here to clear my mind about something. How about you?"

"I was just curious about the woods behind my house so I decided to explore it", I said smiling. He gave me a small smile and ran his fingers through his hair. We stood there staring at each other and not saying anything. I finally broke the silence and said,"I think I need to go home now. See you later!", I said and I walked out of the woods with Tyler behind me. As I reached to my house, I looked back and saw Tyler walking to his house. I smiled and waved at him. He smiled back and I went inside my house and quietly locked the door and went upstairs quietly. I went to my room and closed the door. I took out my sweater and hung it in my closet. I switched off the light and laid down on my bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about the song Tyler sang just now. I forgot to ask him what song was that. Then darkness washed over me and I fell into a deep sleep. 

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