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Cameron's pov

Nope. That's definitely not a girl.

"I know. I know. I'll explain everything. You just have to be calm alright?"

"Am I dreaming? Is this real?"

"Of course you're not dreaming! Don't be silly. Here, have a seat," he gestured me to sit at the island. I couldn't stop looking at him. Feeling surprised.

"Uh...I don't understand. You live here?" I asked him, still confused.

"Yes. The other day when you drop me off, that was my friend's house. We were having a study group at that time. I live here, actually."

"Oh, Josh! I really can't believe it. I mean....there's a freaking river outside your house and your house is neat as hell and....I just...I can't even..." I stuttered looking around the house.

He laughed and said, "River? There's no river here. Are you sure you're ok?"

"Huh? What do you mean there's no river? I just saw a river," I looked out of the window again and looked around for the river but there was no river. Was I dreaming?

"Maybe you're just tired. Here, have a drink," Josh said handing me a glass of orange juice. I took from his hand and drank it. It's actually surprising that he never asked any questions of how I passed out in the woods. It's like he know everything.

"Thanks for saving me. Actually, I don't mind if you didn't save me. I mean, I can...uhh...go on my own...I can find my own way...and-"

"Welcome," Josh said cutting in before I could finish. He smiled and went to the kitchen. I'm still in a state of shock. After gulping down the glass of orange juice, I went into the kitchen. Josh was cooking something on the stove. I washed my glass and kept it near the sink.

"You know you don't have to wash it," Josh said not looking up. He must be concentrating on his cooking I guess.

"I want to help," I said looking over his shoulder to see what is he cooking. I couldn't figure out what is he cooking so I decided to ask him. I was about to ask him but he replied as if he could read my mind.

"I'm cooking pasta as you can see," he said nonchalantly.

"Oh," I muttered. I hit my head mentally for being so stupid. Of course he's making pasta. For dinner. I walked away from the kitchen awkwardly and went to the hall. This place looks like some getaway or something. By the way, how does the bathrooms in here works? I dare not to think about it an decided to find some apartment to stay. I know I cannot stay here for long. I mean look at this place. It's small, but it's nice. No room for me to sleep, you can sleep with Josh. I shook my head. Shut the hell up, Cameron. You must not think about things like that! My mind suddenly diverted to the thought of Tyler. I don't want to cry again. I don't want to be weak. I want to be strong. No more Tyler in my life. Now I don't know how to look into Meggie's face ever again. I decided not to think about this anymore and lay down on the couch. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.


I woke up feeling a little dizzy and looked around. Why in the world am I on the ground? Why are there so many trees around me? Where is the house? I remembered sleeping on the couch. I remembered drinking that orange juice. I remembered Josh. I thought I was in Josh's house. I must be dreaming all of that. I am now hungry, cold, tired and weak. I want to get out of here. I dragged that heavy bag of mine behind me and walked and walked out of the woods. The moment I got out from the woods, I fell down again grazing my knees. I pushed myself to get up. My clothes were covered in dirt. I dragged the bag behind me and kept on walking and walking. I shouldn't have sell my car at the first place. I should've packed food before I ran away like this. Pain started tugging my stomach. I need energy to walk. To find some place where I could stay. I've got money with me but not enough to buy a house. I forced myself to walk to the nearest place where I could get some food. Which one of the nearest place near my I went inside and ordered a hot caramel coffee. It least it's cheap. The lady who took my orders looked at me with a disgusted look plastered on her face. I felt a little embarrassed of myself but I shrugged away the feeling. I shouldn't have come to Starbucks at the first place.

I sat at a table, thinking about Tyler and Meggie. If it wasn't for today's happenings, I wouldn't have ended up here. I would be laughing at Tyler's corny jokes up in the attic.

"Cameron!" the lady called my name and I went to take my drink. I sipped the drink, of course it burnt my tongue a little but I didn't care because I was really hungry.

"We're closing in a few minutes so please hurry up. I'm leaving. If you decided to take your time then Adam here will stay here with you until you go back home," the lady said harshly too me and went out with her coat on her shoulder. I tried my best to drink it as fast as I could but my drink is too hot. I would set my tongue and my lungs on fire if I drink too fast. Tears started streaming down my face. I hate my life. I know I'm being so emotional but I just couldn't help it.

"Just take your time. Aurely is just being such a bitch," a guy said and walked towards me. This guy must be Adam. I smiled at him gratefully. "What's your name?" Adam asked me politely.

"Cameron," I croaked. He sat across me.

"What happened to you? You look so....weak," Adam asked concerned. I told him about what had happened between me and Tyler. After I finished my story, he just nodded.

"I feel you. I know exactly how it feels. It's hard to let go of that feeling especially when it's your first love. I used to have a girlfriend once but she dumped me with some other guy. It was my first love. But don't worry. You'll get over it in a few weeks. You'll find somebody new," Adam said and smiled sweetly at me. I'm starting to like this guy. He's really kind. I finished my drink and Adam threw it into the trash. As I was about to leave Starbucks, there was a 'Vacancy Wanted' sign at the glass door.

"Hey, Adam!" I called to him. He looked at me. I went to him and asked about the vacancy thing. I decided to work here. At least I could get some money. "How much do you make monthly?"

"I get paid by the hour. Each hour costs five dollars. Since I work from morning, 7.00a.m till 10.00p.m night, I get $75 per day."

"Is it possible for me to work here? I want to earn some money," I said. He nodded and went back inside to get something. I brought out a piece of paper and a pen.

"Just sign here and I'll talk to Aurely tomorrow morning. I'll text you," Adam said and smiled at me. I nodded gratefully and gave him my phone number.

I continued my journey, decided to stay in a motel. As I was walking, a black sleek car stopped beside me.

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