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A/N: Hello guys! I changed Tyler Brock's cast. It's at the media above. You got it! It's Shawn Mendes. I think he is cute so I set him as Tyler Brock. Do you guys like it? Anyway, on to the story.

Cameron's pov

I walked to Tyler's house after saying goodbye to Mom. As I stepped into his house, I saw that Tyler was watching some TV.

"Hey Tyler.", I greeted while I sat at the couch beside him.

"Hey Cameron. Thanks for coming.", Tyler said. Let me help you to carry your bag to my room.", Tyler said switching off the TV while getting up from the couch slowly.

"Whoa, you're injured. I can carry this bag myself. You don't have to be a gentleman.", I said laughing. He ran his hand through his hair and smirked.

"So, can you move around?", I asked Tyler.

"Yeah. But I'll have difficulty getting up and sitting down. But I could walk alright. A little bit slow though."

"Oh. Ok. Let's go upstairs. I wanna explore your house a bit.", I said walking up the stairs. Tyler followed behind walking a little slow. After exploring everything, I went into his room. There was a lot of books that were arranged neatly on the bookshelves. I stared at them in awe. And there is one more thing, his bed is really huge! My bed is smaller.

"Wow Tyler. You must be living like a king here. Why can't I have a room like this? I'm so jealous!", I said.

"Haha.", Tyler laughed. I sat on his bed and set my bag down.

"So, do you wanna go out somewhere?", I asked Tyler. He seemed bored.

"Yeah, sure. Where do you want to go?", Tyler asked me.

"Hmmm.....lets see. Oh yeah! Let's go to the forest. I want you to play me the guitar!", I said a little loud.

"Oh no. I can't. I'll never play it for anyone.", Tyler said.

"And why is that?"

"Because....I have some issues and I'm not ready to tell you yet. Let's go somewhere else."

"Ok.", I said. I didn't ask him anymore questions. Maybe he wants his own privacy. Even though I'm dying to know what it is, but I guess I'll wait till he gain trust on me. Sometimes, people need their privacy and they'll hate it if you keep persuading them to tell you something that they are not ready to tell you yet. "Why don't we go to Starbucks? We could at least have something there.", I said.

"Oh yes! We could definitely go there.", Tyler said.

"It's on me. I'll pay everything.", I said.

"Oh no. That will never happen. I'll pay. It's all on me.", Tyler said sternly.

"Nope! I'll pay. If you pay, then I'll go home.", I said threatening him.

"Fine! But when you run out of money,don't blame me.", Tyler said. I laughed. We went to Starbucks. I drove the car, well my car and Tyler sat at the passenger's seat.

When we reached Starbucks, I ordered my drink and Tyler's drink. I ordered chocolate chip caramel frappucino with whipped cream and chocolate sauce while Tyler ordered just plain hot chocolate. I paid for the drinks and brought them to the table where Tyler was sitting.

"Cameron, thanks for everything.", Tyler said shyly. I smiled and laughed at his embarrassed face.

"Welcome Ty!", I said sucking my drink from the straw.

"Can I call you Cam or should I call you by your last name?", Tyler asked.

"It's your wish. You can call me Cameron or Cammy. Haha.", I laughed.

"I'll call you, Cammy.", Tyler said smiling.

"Yeah. Ok.", I said while enjoying the tastiness of my drink. We kept quiet for a while but soon I broke the silence bu asking him, "Do you have a girlfriend?" I know it is a dumb question but it's worth a try.

"Umm....well..." Tyler stuttered.

"If you're not comfortable with it then maybe we could change the subject.", I said.

"No. No. It's just that I used to have a girlfriend but she cheated on me so I am too scared to love again. I think love is just a piece of crap that doesn't exist. True love doesn't exist except in movies though.",Tyler said fiddling with his straw.

"Oh. Well, I'm really sorry.", I said. He is scared to love again just because his previous girlfriend cheated on him? It must be something really awful happened in his love life back then. I feel sorry for him. I wanted to know about his love story but I guess he needs privacy for this one too. But I'm still dying to know what is it. Arghhh!

"It's fine anyway.",Tyler said nonchalantly. I smiled and nodded my head.


Cameron's pov

It's already 11.00p.m and Tyler and me were going to bed now. It's been quite a fun day actually. Well,after we went to Starbucks, we went to the park and talked and talked. I know him more now. It's good to know about someone you love....I mean like...just a friend though. Maybe more than a friend? He is quite attractive. Tyler laid down on the bed and I closed the covers for him.

"Thanks for helping me Cammy. I appreciate all of this.", Tyler said. I smiled.

"There's no need to thank me,Ty.", I said. He nodded his head and closed his eyes. I switched off all the lights and slept beside him. I thought about the burnt on Larry's hand. Is it one of my powers? Why didn't I notice that before? Maybe I just revealed it today. To myself. As I was thinking away, Tyler turned to face me. But he was sleeping. His T-shirt was lifted a little. His bruises were a little bad. I placed my hand on his stomach to feel the bruises. He didn't flinch. I took my hand away from his stomach. As I was going to pull down his shirt, I realized the bruises were gone. I gasped quietly. I lifted his shirt a little higher to see weather I'm just imagining it myself. But I was wrong. The bruise were completely gone. Is that one of my powers again? I remembered cleaning those bruises on Tyler's stomach using a cloth...but I didn't touch his stomach with my hands because I'm too scared to touch him because the bruises were so bad. I could heal someone who is in pain.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long update because I'm really busy practicing marching for the school on sports day. But finally, I've updated. Here it is. Hope you like it! Comment,vote,fan.

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