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Tyler's pov

School's not the same with Cameron. I never talked to Meggie anymore. I told the news to Russell and he was heartbroken for a week. He then moved to New York and I never heard from him again. I finally graduated at the end of the year and started finding a job. Mom was happy for me. I finally forgave her because everyone makes mistakes and she's not the only one. She now became a pre-school teacher and I worked as a cashier in a tool store. At least I could distract myself from thinking  about Cameron.

"Hey Mark. I'm going home," I shouted to Mark at the back of the shop.

"Yeah, man! See you tomorrow," Mark shouted back and I drove my car home. As I reached home, I invited Josh over to my house to play video games. At least I don't have to think about Cameron the whole night. Josh agreed and and he came over a few minutes later. We became really close after Cameron's death. We're literally like brothers. We do everything together. We had fun playing video games.

"Hey, Josh I'm tired. Let's stop playing," I said and took the game controller from him. I sighed as I got up and kept the game controllers away in a drawer. I sat down beside Josh at the foot of the bed.

"Thanks for coming, man," I thanked Josh. He smiled and stared straight at the wall.

"Hey...you still thinking about...you know...that night?" Josh asked not looking at me.

"Yeah. Can't stop thinking about it. What about you?"

"Yeah. Me too. Cameron is just....one of a kind," Josh sighed. "Now everything's gone. She's gone, my one and only Chemistry buddy."

"I'm so sorry for you Josh," I said and thought about the amazing days we had together. She has been through a lot and now she's living up there in peace. She left me down here all alone with Josh.

"Anyway, I gotta go," Josh said and got up and we did our handshake. It's a guy thing. He went out of my room. I closed the door and took off my shirt. I get in bed and closed my eyes thinking about Cameron beside me.



Josh's pov

Just boarding the plane to fly all the way to Canada. I'm on a college term holiday and I want to travel to Canada since I've never been there yet and some said that Canada is a really nice country. Now I just have to cut that country off my bucket list. I still remembered one time where I promised Cameron that I would take her to travel with me all around the world and get lost in a foreign country. Ah....the good times. I did kept the promise though. I brought half of her whenever I go around the world. Her necklace. On her funerel, I forgot to put the necklace around her neck before putting her in a coffin so I decided to keep it on my own. I fished out the necklace from my pocket and wore it around my neck.
"Let's travel around the world together, Cameron. Next stop, Canada."


Tyler's pov

Today is Cameron's birthday so I just went to her grave and put some flowers on her grave. I own my own apartment now and I'm still single. Not ready to have a relationship yet. Josh and I went to the same college and he's now travelling to Canada. I was thinking of following him too but I wasn't in the mood. I decided to hit the gym so I went into my room to change into my gym clothes. I was about to grab my phone that I kept on the bedside table but it wasn't there. Where the hell did I kept my phone? I went through my clothes on the floor but I still couldn't find it. I went to my bedside table and opened my messy drawer, trying to find my phone.

I almost heaved a big sigh of relief when I realised that that was not my phone I just found in thw drawer. It was.....Cameron's. I took out the phone from my drawer and I tried switching on the phone but it's obviously dead long time ago. Since she used the same phone brand as mine-which I gave her as a present on her birthday back when we were dating- I found my charger and charged her phone. As I put Cameron's phone on charge, I kept finding my own phone and I found it under the covers of my bed. I slipped my phone into my pocket and headee to the gym.


As I came back home, I dried myself under the fan in my room and I took out Cameron's phone from the charger. I switched it on and it needed a password to access into her phone. I almost gave up but I thought for a while. If I was Cameron, what would I set my password to? I tried Scybernoid but failed. I tried Lucas and still failed. I tried Josh and also failed and I have to wait for like thirty seconds for me to try the password again. After thirty seconds, I thought hard and and put my name in it. It surprisingly worked! I didn't quite believe it. I went through her phone. There were no text messages,no missed calls,nothing. I thought it was a waste of time going through a dead girl's phone but I decided to go through her gallery. There were unfortunately no pictures in it but there's a deleted file. I clicked it and then came out loads and loads of pictures and videos. Most of them were about....us. I felt really guilty and sad when I saw a picture of us together and the videos we took. I did shed a tear or two. After that I decided to move all of that pictures into my laptop for memories. As I was trying to find a cable to connect the phone to the laptop, I could hear the my front door creaking open. I quickly switched off the lights and hid myself behind my room door. The 'someone' must've thought that nobody's home so he switched on the lights in my room and started going through my drawers finding something. Probably money I guess. I grabbed a baseball bat beside me and slowly came out of my hiding place.

"Hey! Who are you and what are you doing here?!" I shouted giving the guy a jump scare. He turned vigorously to me and pointed a gun at me. I raised both of my hands of in defeat and let go of rhe the baseball bat. My heart wqs thumping, racking my brain to think of something clever to outwit the guy but I couldn't think of anything.

"Give me all the money you have or I'll shoot you right in the head," the guy said sternly.

"I'm not giving you anything!"I shouted back and kept a close eye on his finger at the trigger so that I could duck just in time before he pulled the trigger.

"Then I would have to find it myself. But first I have to kill you," the guy said and he was about to pull the trigger when suddenly, he was choked and carried in the midair. The guy was having difficulty in breathing as he chocked for air. Then he fell to the ground rubbing his neck. He was then being dragged out of the door anf the door slammed. Everything happens so fast and I didn't quite know what in the world is going on.

"Hey Tyler. Miss me?"

I turned around and saw Cameron standing behind me, as beautiful as usual. I was speechless.

"How did you....are you a gho-"

"You don't wanna know," Cameron said and flashed her beautiful smile at me.

"I want to know! You were dead. I saw the knife went into your stomach. I saw your soul leave your eyes. How are you here?" I insisted taking her hand and feeling her soft hands.

"I guess my last power is immortal since I'm the most powerful Scybernoid. Maybe you saw me staring at you but you didn't quite see my soul leave the body," Cameron chuckled.

"You came back after two years?"I squinted my eyes at her.

"I went to college. In Canada. And I just flew back here. I thought of meeting you again since I could never forget you," Cameron said and put her arms around my neck and kissed me in the lips. I kissed her back. There's only one thing that is stuck in my head and that is Cameron is back.

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