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Cameron's pov

The black car stopped beside me. The person inside the car rolled down his window and flashed his pearly whites at me. I recognize that face but I just walked past that car. It's just a dream again.

"Hey! You ok?" Josh called out from his car. I shook my head and kept walking. Imagination. It's just my imagination. "Cameron! What's wrong with you? Are you ok? What are you doing here, walking alone in the dark?"

I looked at Josh and gave him the death stare. I opened his car door and went inside. "Where are you staying?" I asked him still giving his the death stare.

"Woah! Calm down. I live downtown. Hehe. rhymes. Calm down and downtown," he chuckled.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he stopped laughing. "You're not staying in the middle of the woods right?"

"Of course,not. What am I? Some jungle guy who lives in the woods instead of staying in the city. Please," he said smirking.

Then it was a dream! I knew it! "Cool. Uhh...I mean...that's good....that you're know...George of the jungle," I stuttered. I hit my head mentally giving such a stupid reason. Josh looked at me like I've lost my mind. I smiled awkwardly at him.

"What's wrong with you? You're keeping things from me. You're full of mixed emotions."

I sighed. Should I tell him what happened? "I'm lost," I said, avoiding his eye contact.

" you want me to what? Send you home broke up with Tyler right?" he said squinting his eyes at me. I nodded slowly. He placed his hand on my knee and squeezed a little. He started driving and I just kept my mouth shut the whole journey. I wanted to ask him where is he going but I'm too lazy to open my mouth. I'm too exhausted to even talk. I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up when the sun streaming into my room. I opened my eyes and saw Josh in front of me. Sleeping just in front of me. Our face were just inches apart. I quickly got up and rubbed my eyes. Am I in Josh's house? I recalled yesterday's happenings. I ran my hands through my now rough hair. I really need to was my hair. Josh groaned and I turned to look at him. He reached to the bedside table and looked at his watch.

"What's the time?" I asked him. He's eyes went wide.

"Move! School starts in thirty minutes! I'm having my bath first!" Josh shouted at threw the covers. I quickly got up finding my bag but it wasn't there.

"Josh! Where the hell is my bag? Where did you put it?" I asked frantically.

"I don't know! Just check in the car!" he answered grabbing his towel and rushing into the bathroom. I ran to his car outside looking like some mad lady on the run. People around me we staring at me. I just went to Josh's car and opened it. Lucky for me that he didn't lock the car. I took out my bag and went into the house. I waited for ten whole minutes for Josh to come out. I know there's no time to wash my hair. I decided to make a crazy move. While Josh is taking his bath, I went to the kitchen and went through the drawers to find a pair of scissors. I cut my hair into a pixie cut. Somehow I managed to cut my hair properly but I have to use the hair shaver thingy to shave the sides of my head. That must be in the bathroom. I looked myself into the mirror and actually I look pretty good. I look more like a boy. After I heard Josh coming out from the bathroom, I took all my essentials from my bag and went into the bathroom. Josh was busy looking at his watch so I slipped into the bathroom. I found the hair shaver thingy and started shaving the sides of my head and the back. After washing my hair, I dried my hair with a hairdryer in Josh's bathroom.Not forgetting to brush my teeth before that. I quickly changed into a clean black top with black skinny jeans. I wore a black hoodie over my clothes and went out of the bathroom.

"There's another five minutes more to school. What took you so long to bathe? What......what have you done to your hair?" Josh asked looking at me wide eyed, his hand with a comb in the mid-air. I just smiled at him and combed my hair beside him. I combed my hair emo style and looked myself in the mirror. It's missing something. I took my mascara from my bag and a black eyeliner and dress them on both of my eyes. Josh looked at me like I was crazy. "You want to look like an emo goth girl or what?" Josh asked looking at me. I just shrugged I put the hoodie over my head. "No, Cameron. I'm doing your hair. He pushed back my hoodie and did my hair like his hair but just a little different. (example:media above)

"Thank's Josh. It's awesome!" I said. He nodded and grabbed his keys.

We reached to school just in time before the bell rang. I put the hoodie over my head and strapped my backpack over my shoulder. I put my hands in my pockets.

"You look like a goth. A little emo too," Josh said. I gave him a small smile and went to my class. Everyone stared at me as I walked down the hallway. Russell came next to me and walked with me.

"What happened to you? Since when did you go goth?" Russell whisper-shouted. I smiled and looked at him.

"Since yesterday," I answered and went into my first class: History


I told everything to Russell about Meggie and Tyler. I saw the both of them sitting at a table, staring at me. I glanced at them and went to take my lunch.

"I still couldn't believe that Meggie and Tyler betrayed you," Russell said. I nodded and fiddled with the straw of my drink. Josh joined us and we kept talking like nothing's happened.

"Please don't go goth! You look like a freak. You look scary," Russell said.

"I like it this way. I want him to see that I'm not weak," I said. Russell shrugged.


I got a text from Adam saying that I've got a place in Starbucks. I texted him back that I would start my job tomorrow after school. I'm staying in Josh's flat. It's obviously small but I managed to fit in. I was doing my homework when Josh came in with a pizza box.

"Pizza?" Josh asked me. I smiled and nodded.

"I wanted to ask you a question. The other day when I sent you home, I sent you to your house. Why are you staying in a flat now?" I asked Josh sitting in the couch and switching on the TV.

"That was my friend's house. We're having group. Anyway, I'm happy that you got the job," Josh said changing the subject. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. At least I get to make some money," I said. After watching some TV, we decided to sleep.

"I'll take the couch," I said and lay down in the couch in the hall.

"No. I'll take the couch. You take the bed," Josh insisted.

"Nope. Still taking the couch," I said.

"Fine! I'll be comfortable and good luck being cold. I get to snuggle in my covers and you get nothing. So don't you come in the middle of the night to me just because you're cold out here," Josh said. I laughed and waved him away. He switched off all the lights and went into his room. I charged my phone because the battery went dead and slept off in the couch feeling a little cold. I'm starting regret for not taking the bed but I don't want to loose. I just have to put up with sleeping in the couch. Finally I slept off.


"cameron!Cameron! CAMERON! CAMERON!"

I got up, startled. Who is calling to me in the middle of the night? I went to Josh's room. Maybe he's calling me. But he was fast asleep. Who was calling me? Maybe it's just a dream. I'm starting to feel cold. I lay down in the couch and curled myself into a ball to warm myself.


I got up again. My whole body was shaking with fear. That's definitely Russell. It's Russell's voice. I went to my phone and saw that there were few missed calls from Russell. Russell must be in trouble!

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