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Dylan O' Brien as Josh Mitcham

Cameron's pov

I screamed and screamed my heart out. I screamed not because I'm scared. I screamed because i wanted the guy to go away. The moment I screamed hard, the man covered his ears and disappeared. Even after the man left my room, I couldn't stop screaming. I couldn't control myself. I saw my Dad came rushing into my room and told me to stop screaming but I couldn't hear him. Then everything went blurry and all I remembered was passing out.


"Cameron. Cameron! Can you hear me? Cameron!"

I opened my eyes slowly. I held my hand over my eyes to protect them from the blinding light.

"Dad? Where am I?" I asked Dad my voice a little croaky.

"Oh honey. Thank god you're ok!" Dad exclaimed hugging me. "You're in a hospital. You couldn't stop screaming and your head was bleeding. What happened to you in there?"

I was debating over myself whether I should tell him the truth or not because my two of my neighbors were standing around, one living across the street and one living next door which is obviously the Brock house and Tyler was there with Mrs.Brock and they might think that I'm crazy when they hear my story.

"Actually Dad,I was having a bad dream about a man in my room and I think I fell down and hit my head on the bedside table", I said hoping that Dad would believe it and leave me alone. But that didn't happen.

"But when I came into your room when you screamed, you were on the floor just below your bedroom window", Dad replied raising his left eyebrow tilting his head to the side.

"Maybe I must be sleepwalking I guess. Dad please stop asking questions. My head is hurting already", I said trying to avoid Dad from asking more questions.

"Alright honey. Get some rest," Dad said nodding his head and ushered Tyler and his mom with Mr.James out of the ward, closing the door behind him. I sighed and touched at the back of my head hoping that my power would work which is healing injuries but that didn't work. I was surprised. I sat up slowly and touched at the back of my head again this time,I tried to visualize it being healed but still it didn't happen. Am I loosing my powers? My palms started shaking. Why am I loosing my powers?

"You are not loosing your powers. It's just that you cannot use those powers you have on yourself which is the healing power. That power only helps on others except for yourself," a voice said to me in my head. It sounded like Darcy's voice.

"Darcy, can you hear me? Darcy?"I spoke to hear telepathically but she didn't answer back. I tried again but failed. I finally gave up and closed my eyes.

Suddenly someone opened the door and came it. I guessed it is just a nurse coming in to check on me so I kept on closing my eyes.

"Cameron. It's me. I wanted to talk to you for a second. Can I talk to you for a second?"

A familiar voice spoke and I opened my eyes recognizing that voice.

"Tyler? Yeah sure. No prob",I said casually.

"Thanks. I just wanted to ask. Just now, when you screamed, your's....I don't know how to say this to you..."

"Just say it. I'll try to understand."

"Well, apparently when you scream, I could hear you screaming. Like really loud",

"Yeah I realized that. Even Mr.James from across the street heard me screaming too",

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