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Cameron's pov

I quickly switched on my bedside lamp and stared back at the wall where I saw a silhouette at the wall in front of me a few seconds ago. It wasn't there. I convinced myself that I must be dreaming. I made a mental note to self that I should not watch any horror flicks before I go to bed. But I am quite positive that I saw one. I shrugged it off and turned off the bedside lamp and went to sleep.


"Look here sweetie,you must always be strong and you must always remember that Mummy and Daddy love you so much. We want you to have a good life and whenever you need us, we will always stay by your side. No matter what happens, always know that you have to believe in yourself and we will always be proud of you. Our little firecracker. Never forget Mummy and Daddy. We love you so much. Goodbye," Queen Gabrielle said and gave their beautiful child to Darcy. "Take her and promise us that you would take care of her and tell her everything when the time comes for her to know. You have to promise us Darcy", Queen Gabrielle said and went away with King Hoston. Darcy managed to escape with the baby before planet Zaryon became nothing...

I woke up drenched in sweat. It's already 7.30a.m and I have 30 more minutes before school starts. I dashed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and had a quick bath. I quickly changed into my plain white top with black skinny jeans. I combed my hair and grabbed an apple and my car keys from the island and I drove to school real fast.

Five minutes before school starts, I took my books from my locker and headed to class for the first lesson of the day.

"So, how's life?" Russell asked while placing his lunch tray on the table.

"Been good", I said curtly while taking a sip from my soda.

"So...are you guys invited to Lorraine's party?" Meggie asked while munching her food and pointed her fork at us.

"She is throwing a party? When is that?" Russell asked.

"This Monday", Meggie said looking back at Lorraine who is sitting at a table with a mob of boys around her.

"You mean tomorrow? First of all, who throws parties on Mondays? Like....especially on school days", I asked thinking about people who'll obviously get wasted tomorrow and I am pretty sure some of the students could not come to school the day after tomorrow.

"How would I know? I'm not her best friend. Maybe her parents allow her to throw parties anytime she wants", Russell said rolling his eyes.

Suddenly, Tyler came to our table with Theo and smiled at us.

"Can we join you guys? We came late for lunch and there are no place for us to sit so...." Theo said raising both of his eyebrows assuming that we got the point.

"Yeah,sure. No probz", Meggie said nonchalantly and continued eating her food.

"Thanks guys", Theo said while sitting down beside Meggie while Tyler sat beside Russell. My heart started racing the moment he sat opposite me. Just be calm and act cool! I told to myself. As I opened my mouth to ask Tyler something, Lorraine came to our table and smiled at Tyler. Russell raised one of his eyebrow and looked at Meggie but Meggie shrugged and looked at me. We kept exchanging glances and giving weird looks at Lorraine until she voiced up.

"Hey Tyler! Coming to my party tomorrow? You can come too Theo", Lorraine said batting her eyes.

"We'll try to. Maybe we won't. Or maybe we will", Theo said not looking at her.

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