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Tyler's pov

I decided to tell Cameron what had actually happened to her father. She would want to know.

"Someone killed him before the fire started by choking him to death. He died before the fire even started," I said looking at Cameron. She just kept quiet and stared at me. She got up and went to the small window at the end of the attic. She sat down and looked at her hands. I could see tears rolling down her face. I went to her and sat beside her. I pulled her into my embrace. She started crying softly in my chest. I touched her soft hair patting softly on her head. I know exactly how it feels.

"I shouldn't be alive. It's better that way for the world. Safety for the people around me. Why is he doing this to me?" she sobbed.

"You know who's the killer?" I asked, curious about it when she said that someone is doing this to her.

"Uhh....no...nothing", she said sniffing while she pulled away from my embrace. I know she's keeping something from me.

"You know, Cameron. I want to tell you more about me. Mostly most about my past. I don't want to keep anything from you. Because I...I trust you", I said and took her hand.



"Daddy! Who's at the door?" little Tyler came running downstairs and hugged Mr.Brock's legs. Mr.Brock smiled and ruffled his son's hair and carried him on his shoulder. "That was Daddy's friend. Now go and play with your toys. Daddy's got some work to do", Mr.Brock said. Tyler ran up to his room and played with his toys.

"Is that Phil?" Mrs.Brock asked coming from the kitchen, wiping her wet hands.

Mr.Brock sighed and nodded.

"When are you going to payback all the money that you borrowed from him? When is the deadline?"

"Next week," Mr.Brock answered and looked at his wife. Mrs.Brock shook her head.

"You know what? That guy isn't just going to leave us alone until we pay all the money back. What are you doing with your life?" Mrs.Brock nagged. Mr.Brock shook his head and ran his hand through his hair feeling stressed out. He borrowed the money to pay the bills and and all the household stuff. Now he's finding a way to pay all the money back from the guy he borrowed. His manager just fired and now he's a troubled man. All his wife did was scold and nag him all day long.

"PLEASE STOP, OKAY?! I'LL FIND A WAY TO PAY THE MONEY BACK! JUST PLEASE STOP SHOUTING! I'm working my ass off to get the money so please," Mr.Brock said and threw the glass of wine he was holding. The glass smashed when it hit the wall and shattered into a million pieces just like his heart that is smashed into pieces.

"Oh really? Working your ass off? You just got fired. I know your stupid life you useless man! I don't even know why am I even married to you.

Tyler sat in his room crying because he hated whenever his parents fight. He never liked mommy. She is always shouting at daddy. Suddenly his room door opened and daddy came in. He took Tyler by the hand and and took Tyler's teddy with him.

"Come, Tyler. We're going somewhere. We're leaving this house", Mr.Brock said and carried Tyler. Tyler didn't say anything. He knows how's daddy feeling right now.

"Oh no! You're not bringing Tyler with you. Leave him here!" Mrs.Brock screamed pulling Tyler from Mr.Brock. Tyler started crying harder.

"Fine! I don't care. I'm leaving this house that is full of bullshit", he cursed and left the house.

He drove down the road, feeling really angry. There were no cars on the road. As he was driving, a pang of guilt struck his chest. He shouldn't have done that to his son and his wife. His wife was right. He should work harder. He turned back to go back to his house to hug his son and his wife and tell them that he's sorry. It has already been and hour since he left the house. Before he reached his house, he stopped by by the flower shop to buy a rose for his wife and a small teddy bear for his son. He wrote a small letter and put it in a small envelope. He then drove home.

As he reached home, he parked his car and stood on the doorstep, feeling really nervous. He hoped for the best and opened the door. As he opened the door, he saw his wife making out with some other guy. He was shocked but he didn't move. He just stood there staring at his wife kissing some other guy. The rose from his hand fell with the teddy bear and the envelope. He could see Tyler standing at the kitchen staring at him. His son's eyes were bloodshot from all the crying. He then pointed at his mommy and looked at his daddy sadly.

Mr.Brock's heart was broken. The one he loved the most betrayed him. He left the doorstep and drove through the night without even turning back.

The next day, the police came into the Brock's house and told Mrs.Brock that her husband was found dead in a motel a few miles away from here. It seems that he hanged himself.


"The police gave the small envelope that he found in my father's pocket", I said and went to the corner of the attic and opened a small chest. I guess Cameron just forgot to take this out and put in in the basement. But it was cleaned.

"You cleaned this?" I asked Cameron.

She nodded and said, "Yeah. I didn't want to put it in the basement because I know there is something priceless in there. I didn't open it."

I nodded and took out the dusty envelope and handed it to Cameron.

Hey love. I'm really sorry for shouting at you and storming out of the house. I know I shouldn't do that. I hope you'll forgive me. I'll try to find a way to pay back all the money. I want to be the best father and also the best husband for you and Tyler. The rose reminds me of how we first met and I am really glad that we've got a beautiful son and I just want to make everything right again. Love, Scott.

Cameron looked at me and hugged me. I hugged her back, taking the piece of paper from her and shoved it in my pocket.

"Is that guy still with your mom?" Cameron asked looking up at me.

"No. No more. But the worst part is that she's working."

"What's wrong with her working?" Cameron asked tilting her head a title to the side.

"She's working in a bar. And she gets money by being a prostitute."

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