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Cameron's pov

Tyler came behind me and stared at the lifeless body in the car. I put my hand on his shoulder for support so that I would not fall down because I'm starting to feel dizzy. Mrs.Owens pushed past us and told us to go back to our classes while the paramedics came to take the body away. I pulled Tyler away from the scene but he just would not budge. Instead, he just stared at the corpse, his feet locked to the ground. It seems like his world around him just stopped.

"Tyler! Tyler! Please follow me! Tyler!" I shouted. Somehow my shouts snapped Tyler out of his fantasy. I pulled him away from the corpse and brought him into the janitor's closet. Meggie and Russell followed me in. Russell gave Tyler his water bottle to drink some water.

"Theo.....Theo....what happened to him?" Tyler whispered. His skin was pale with fright.

"Tyler. Look at me. Calm down, ok?" I said putting my index finger under his chin and lifted his head so that he could look at me. His blue eyes were frightened mixed with a confused look.

"Tyler, I want you to calm down ok? You told me to calm down when my father died. I want you to do the exact same thing for me. Please", I pleaded. He looks frightening and that made me feel really scared. He finally calmed down. Luckily we still had another five minutes till the school starts. I leaned by the shelves where all the soaps were kept, wiping off sweat from my forehead.

" ok?" Meggie asked crouching down to him and took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the sweat from Tyler's forehead. He didn't say anything but looked away and stared at the mops that was arranged neatly.

"Is it Lucas? Is all of this Lucas' work? If it's really him, I'm going to kill him that sick son of a b-"

"You know he is too powerfull for you right? I'll figure this out ok? I know that doesn't change how you're feeling now but I'll find a way to save my friends from danger. I'll try to save you guys from Lucas. I promise. I'll protect all of you until Lucas is defeated. This is all my fault. I shouldn't stay here anymore. I'll just bring more and more trouble to people," I said feeling a rise of anger and sadness in me.

"No. He killed my best friend so I'll do whatever it takes to stop him too. Theo deserved better rather than being killed by someone who he do not know," Tyler said standing up wiping his tears.

"Don't be ridiculous Tyler. You can't do anything. Besides he is too powerful. Have you seen what he did to Theo? He freaking stabbed him in the chest and slit his throat. Don't you think that's dangerous enough? Look,I'll find a way ok? For now, let's get back to class."

I went to my first class which is Chemistry. I couldn't really concentrate on what the teacher is talking about because my mind is busy thinking about Theo.

"Ok class. Please do the questions on page eighty-five and we will discuss them after all of you finished them in about twenty minutes," Mrs.Callaghan said. I couldn't do the questions because I didn't pay attention when she's teaching.

"You...ok?" Josh asked all of a sudden. I didn't realize that he was sitting beside me. Have I been dreaming lately?

"Uhh...yeah...I'm fine," I lied and looked at the questions again.

"You know....I'm very sorry for kissing you the other day. I know I shouldn't do that. I didn't mean to," Josh whispered, apologizing to me.

"It's ok. I overreacted the other day. I know I shouldn't just walked away from you like that. I wad rude to you. I'm sorry too," I whispered back smiling to him.

"I guess we're even then," Josh said and turned back to doing his work. I kept looking at the time. I just can't wait for school to finish. I looked at the questions again sighed. Why oh why didn't I pay attention just now?

"What's wrong? You're full of anxiety and distress," Josh whispered leaning towards me still facing his book.

"I can't answer these questions. I didn't pay attention to her just now. I'm thinking too much of what had happened just now and what's been happening lately," I accidentally heaved a big sigh but stopped before I could finish it realizing that I'm sighing too loud. Mrs.Callaghan looked at me but I looked away not wanting to meet her face.

"Here, let me help you," Josh said to me. I smiled to him gratefully.


That night when I was doing my homework in the attic, A voice in my head called out to me. I recognize that voice. It was Darcy's.

"Cameron. Can you hear me? You need to learn how to talk telepathically.It's one of your powers," Darcy said in my head.

I called out to her back but she didn't answer me back.

"You need to focus on your words. Close your eyes and focus on your words."

I did what she said. I closed my eyes and concentrate on the words. "Hello, Darcy. Can you hear me?" I called out to her again. Thankfully, she responded.

"Yes. I can hear you Cameron. Great job. I need to tell you something. Why are you so dumb?" Darcy said and her voice changed into deep and raspy.

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