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Cameron's pov

Crap. It's Lucas! What do I do?

"You're so easy to be deceived. Have you ever asked Darcy that she had the power to talk to you telepathically? I don't think so. You didn't ask her did you? Cameron,Cameron." Lucas said mockingly.

"Why did you kill my friend? Why did you kill Dad? Why did you kill them instead of me? Why couldn't you just kill me?"

"Oh sweetheart, I would never kill you. Well not like that anyway. You are too precious for me. So tell me Cameron. Will you sacrifice your life for your friends? Will you do that?"

"Yes. I'll do whatever it takes to save my friends. I'll sacrifice my life for them."

"Oh will you? We'll see about that."

"You still have not answered my question yet. Why did you kill-"

"I killed them for a reason. And it is not your business to know. You don't have to know. And by the way, you actually believe that Tyler likes you and you like him? You're gonna regret that," Lucas said and then he was gone. I sat there thinking whatever does he mean.

"Hey,Cameron." Tyler asked walking into the attic.

"Uhh...hi," I said awkwardly getting up and tripping over my chair. I got up clumsily and a book fell on the floor. I picked up the book and put it on the table. Tyler laughed softly and picked up the chair.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Tyler said sitting in my bed. "So...uhh...I was thinking. About Theo. I want to find why did Lucas kill Theo and-"

"Tyler...." I rolled my eyes and sat on the floor. "It's none of your business Tyler. I told you, Lucas is a dangerous guy. You don't have to find out. I'll do it myself. This is my job and I'll find out why myself", I said.

"Look here Cameron. Theo is my best friend. What would you do if your best friend died? Will you just leave it that way or will you find out why?" Tyler retorted his voice raising a little.

"I understand, Tyler. But you see, even I don't know why Lucas killed Theo. And if you want to find out, how do you want to?" I asked standing up.

"On the day your father died, I went for his funeral. I saw his body in the casket. I saw they buried the casket. I saw everything, Cameron. But then I went out at midnight for some....for some reason. I passed by the graveyard and I saw someone digging up the place where your father was buried. I tried to stop the guy but when I got there, he was not there and your father's body was gone. So I was thinking, if Theo died today, by midnight someone would do the same to his body. Taking his body away. So I want to find out who is this guy," Tyler said. I just stood there in silence looking at him. Maybe I should find out. But Tyler....I mean....he could get himself killed. What if that gravedigger is a dangerous guy?

"I know what you're thinking Cameron. You want to find out by yourself. You don't want me to come. You don't have to be like this Cameron. I'm capable of things. I can keep myself safe. I don't need your help," Tyler said his voice softens.

"But...I don't know about this Tyler. I can't risk this. Please don't come. Let me do this on my own," I pleaded. I couldn't imagine Tyler in danger.

"How can you be so selfish Cameron! Why do you want to keep everything to yourself? Theo is my friend. My best friend. I am going to find out who is that mysterious guy. Stop me all you want. I don't care anymore. By the way, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't know who the hell is that guy that took your father's body. You didn't even attend to your father's funeral so shut the hell up because I'm going to find out myself!" Tyler shouted. I stiffened and looked at him. How could he talk to me like that? How could he say that to me? I didn't go to my father's funeral because Mr.Argent told me that I don't have to go because me and dad are not related anymore. Of course I really want to see dad one last time but we're not related anymore. His words cut through my heart like a knife. My heart sank. A big lump stuck in my throat. I couldn't take it.

"Fine. Do what you want", I said, my voice wobbly and I turned away. I went to the small window at the end of the attic and sat there hugging my knees. I heard Tyler sighing and walked towards me. Maybe Lucas was right. I am stupid enough to actually like Tyler.

"I'm sorry Cameron. I know I shouldn't say that. I was frustrated. I'm an idiot to say that," Tyler said taking my hand. I pulled away and kept looking outside. He shouldn't have said that. Tears started streaming down my face.

"I'm really sorry, Cameron. My tongue slipped just like that. Look at me Cameron. Please forgive me," Tyler pleaded placing his hand on my shoulder blades. I looked at him his blue eyes looked sorry. He really meant it. I wiped my tears and got up.

"Just...don't say that again," I said curtly and put on my sweater. He just stood there behind me. I turned to look at him. "You coming or not?"

"Uhh...yeah," Tyler said and followed behind me. I took a torchlight from the drawer and shoved it in my pocket.

"Cameron....." Tyler called and walked towards me. He took my face in his hands and kissed me. I kissed him back, tears streaming down my face. I'm crying again. He pulled away and wiped away my tears. "I shouldn't say that. I hate myself. I'm very, very sorry," Tyler apologized. I just nodded and hugged him.

"Anyway, you were right. I wasn't there on dad's funeral. I should be there. It's my fault too," I said into his chest.

"No, no. It's not your fault. Since it's just 9.00p.m, let me bring you somewhere. We could past our time till 11.40 and then we'll head to the graveyard. I'll bring you to a restaurant to make up for what I've said just now," Tyler said holding my shoulders.

"Are you bringing me on a date?" I asked smiling.

"Well,yeah. ok with that?"

I smiled and nodded. He kissed my forehead and we headed to the restaurant.


We talked and talked about stuff while we're eating. I can feel myself falling for Tyler each second. I wonder if he feels the same way for me. Or maybe he just likes me. I shrugged away the thought and enjoyed most of the time. After we ate, it's just 11.00p.m. Tyler decided to take me somewhere.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as he closed my eyes with his hands.

"You'll see..." he laughed softly.

"When?" I asked impatiently.

"Now." He lifted his hand away and I gasped looking around the scenery in front of me. I was beautiful. The city lights gleaming in the dark. I just stood there amazed. Tyler stood beside me and took my hand. Our fingers interlocked and I leaned my head on his chest. I really don't want this moment to end. But sadly time has come and we need to go. I went into the car and Tyler drove to the graveyard.

As we reached the graveyard, I switched on my torchlight and flashed around. We found Theo's grave and hid behind his tombstone. The tombstone was quite big so it hid us perfectly. Theo's funeral took place just now in the evening. Almost everyone came to his funeral. Me, Meggie, Russell and Tyler were there too. It was agonizing to see one of our friends died. Murdered.

Not long after that, someone came to the graveyard. We kept really quiet. The gravedigger came to Theo's grave and started digging. I came out from my hiding and caught the gravedigger.

"Stop right there! Who are you?" Tyler asked as I hold on to the mysterious guy. I used all my strength to hold the guy.

"Leave me! You're hurting me," a familiar guy voice ordered and I let him go. She took off his mask and I gasped.


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