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A/N: Hey guys I just wanna say something important. You know that Lucas in my story is a Gladeroid right? Well, I am going to change the name 'Gladeroid' into 'Dryad' because I saw there's one book on Wattpad which uses the word Gladeroid and I don't want to end up copying the person so I hope this is ok with you guys. Thank you so much! Love you :D

Cameron's pov

I raised one of my eyebrows and looked at Tyler. And back to his Mom. And back to Tyler again.

"Uhh....what is going on?" I muttered looking at Mr.Argent. He looked at me and nodded smiling. I stared at him in total confusion.

"Hi, Cameron. We're here to adopt you. We heard about what had happened to your father and we also heard that you were sent to the foster home. I'm very sorry about what had happened to you. I know it must be hard for you but we are here to help you. I'm very glad to be adopting you. Are you ok with that?" Tyler's mother elaborated. I was speechless. Tears started welling up in my eyes. I couldn't control myself. I thought I was just going to stay here without a family but I was wrong. I owe Tyler and his Mom big-time.

"T..tha..thanks.." I stuttered. "I really don't know how to repay you Mrs.Brock. I'm very thankful", I said gratefully.

"Oh honey! We're just here to help you. You don't have to thank us", Tyler's mom said and hugged me. I hugged her back drying my tears.

"I guess that's settled then. You just have to fill up these forms here and you're free to go", Mr.Argent said. I nodded and signed some paperwork.

"I'll go get my things", I said shyly and went to my room. I met Amy there. She was reading a book. When I came into the room, she looked at me and closed her book.

"So,what happened?" Amy asked.

"Well I got adopted by a family which happens to be my neighbour", I said. She looked at me speechless he mouth dangling open.

"Are you serious? Wow you're so lucky", she gushed. I smiled and took my clothes and put them in my bag. Most of my clothes were burnt in the fire so there were only a few of my clothes that are fine.

"I'll miss you. I know we've just met but were so good to me. I'll always remember that", I said before leaving our room which will be her room when I leave.

"I'll remember you. Forever and always", she said and hugged me. I hugged her back and went to meet Tyler's mom outside.


When we reached Tyler's house, I got out of the car and looked at my house. You can actually see the black soot covering the roof of the house and the walls on the side.

"Give me a sec", I told to Tyler's mom and she nodded. I went into my house and looked around. Mostly downstairs was not affected by the fire. When I went upstairs, I could see pieces of woods and sawdust on the floor.Black soot covering the one beautiful whitewashed walls. I went into my room and all I saw was pieces of wood on the floor. Luckily all of my school stuffs were all ok. I took my schoolbag and strapped it on my shoulder. I looked around again trying to find some stuff which were safe from the fire. I heaved a big sigh of relief as I saw that all of my favourite storybooks were safe. Two or three books were caught on fire but the others were fine. I stuffed all of them in my bag and went to my closet to look for good clothes but most of them were burnt. Mom's necklace is with me and I wear it all the time. Since there was nothing left in my room, I went into Dad's room and most of them couldn't be saved because his room was completely burnt by the fire. Something made me want to look up at the ceiling so I did it since the thought is bugging me. I looked up and gasped. There was a message written at the ceiling from what I think it's from Lucas because it says:

"I need you Cameron! I'll do whatever it takes to get you!"

I'm telling you Lucas is a complete psycho. I shook my head and turned around to get out of the house but then I heard whispering behind me. I turned around slowly and saw a shadow behind me. I didn't waste anymore time and got out of the house.


"Honey, we don't have any extra room for you....." Mrs.Brock said.

"Never mind. I could sleep on the couch at the hall. I don't mind", I said thinking about how am I going to sleep peacefully on the couch. I've slept on the couch a few times and I always end up sweating and sometimes end up with back and neck pains.

"No. I will not let you sleep on the couch. You'll sleep in Tyler's room", she said and winked. I looked at her thinking whatever does that mean? She smiled and helped me with my bags and kept them in Tyler's room.

"You know, if you don't want to sleep in Tyler's room, you can sleep at the attic. We have a spare mattress there which is dusty and needs cleaning so you could take this vacuum that I just bought it recently. All it does is cleans beds and sucks out all the mites and dust from the bed. I'll let you use it. If you don't know how to use it, you could ask Tyler to do it. He knows. Do it after washing the mattress and dry it outside. While the mattress is drying, you could clean the dusty attic. It's quite empty there so there will be less burden for you to move some things out from the attic and put them in the basement. After the mattress is dry, you could start with the vacuuming. You don't mind doing that do you? I have to go so I can't help you. You can ask Tyler to help you", Mrs.Brock suggested.

I agreed and got to work straight away. I went to the attic and switched on the light. The light was not working so I took a flashlight from the kitchen and went up to the attic. I could hear Mrs.Brock leaving the house with her car. I took the dusty mattress and went outside to clean it up. I washed it up and leave it to dry while I clean the attic. I went to the kitchen and took a new light bulb and went to the attic and installed the broken one into a new light bulb. After that, I started dusting and cleaning the attic. I thought of asking Tyler for help but he's not here. I don't know where he went so I did the cleaning all on my own.


After two hours of cleaning the attic, I finally took the vacuum from the basement and tried setting it up by myself but I couldn't. Sweat was dripping from my forehead as it was really hot outside.

"Here, let me help", Tyler said. I turned around saw him standing behind me. I wiped off the sweat from my forehead while Tyler sets up the vacuum thing.

"Thanks", I said as he handed me the vacuum.

"You look tired. I'll help you do this", Tyler said and started vacuuming the mattress. I thanked him quietly and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. After Tyler finished vacuuming, I took the mattress from him and carried it to the attic. I had a hard time carrying the mattress to the attic. I heard Tyler laughing softly and helped me with the mattress.

"You don't have to help me. I can do it by myself", I said rolling my eyes playfully at him.

"Ok. Sorry", he said putting his arms up and smirked.

The attic now looked spick and span. I looked around feeling proud of my work.

"You really did a great job cleaning the attic", Tyler said looking at me.

"I know right. I'm just so tired right now. And I'm freaking hungry. Do you have anything to eat here?" I asked as I plopped down on the bed.

"Crap! There is no fan here. How am I going to sleep here? Do you have any stand fan?" I asked Tyler. He just kept quiet looking at me.


He cut me off by kissing me. I kissed him back, electricity surging up my body. He pulled back caressing my face with his fingers. A tingling sensation rushed up to my face. He kissed me again his hands on my waist and my hands on his chest. He pulled back and said, "Do you want to know what really happened to your Dad?"

"Do you know what happened to him" I asked.

"Yes. I overheard the doctor telling it to your Mom", Tyler said.

"How did he died?"

"Someone killed him before the fire started by choking him to death. He died before the fire even started."

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