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Cameron's pov

I was touching a light bulb and it was glowing as if my hand produces electrostatic energy or something. The bulb lit up brighter and brighter and then it bursts.

"Dang it. Sorry," I apologized.

"Great. Now I have to buy a new one," Josh said. I felt a little bad but I just kept my mouth shut. How did Josh know that I can do this?

"Hey, Josh? How do you know-"

"I just know. I saw your fingers the other day when you're about to switch off the bedside lamp. You reached for the switch underneath the bulb and I saw your fingers twitched and I saw electric static-is that even a word-formed on your fingers. I still don't know how you never realize it," Josh said.

I just nodded and plopped myself in the bed. Josh sat beside me and looked out at the balcony. The city lights were gleaming in the dark. We just looked out of the window and sighed. Can life get any better? I was sweating the next minute so I went out to the balcony and felt a gush of cold wind. I sat at the top of the partition of the balcony. Josh came and sat beside me. I rested my head on Josh's shoulder.

"Hey, Josh?" I said, trying to make some conversation.


"Where are your parents?"

"They were back in California. I moved out because I couldn't stand them. My dad is a drug addict and my mom is a drinker. I couldn't stand it and moved out."

"How do you make money then?" I asked.

"I work at the animal clinic. Part time job. Just an assistant," Josh said. I heaved a big sigh again.

"Could our lives get any better?" I said.

"I don't know. Sometimes it's just our fate," Josh said and played with my hair. "I actually kinda like your short hair. You look more of a badass," Josh complimented. I just smiled. I agree with him. Having short hair is far better than having long hair.

"Just a random question. What's the one thing you want to do before you die?" I asked. He looked at me and chuckled.

"Hmm.....let me see. I want to play bingo with my fellow senior citizens."

"Josh! C'mon! I'm serious," I said and nudged him playfully.

"I want to go around the world and visit the seven wonders of the world," Josh said. That was the exact same thing what Dad told me when I was little. I guess it's too late now for dad to fulfill his wish. But a smile crept on my face when Josh said that.

"Hope you bring me along too. I wanna visit the seven wonders too," I said.

"Of course, Cameron. I will bring you. I don't want to be going alone. I ain't lone human," Josh joked. "What about you? What do you want to do before you die?"

"I want to knit and donate 100 scarves for the homeless."

"For real?"

"Nah! Just kidding. I wanna send a message in a bottle and throw it to the middle of the sea," I said.

"Wow. I've never heard a crazy thing before. That's awesome. That someone's reaction when they found your bottle at the beach."

"And also I wanna do a slow dance in the rain and get lost in a foreign country," I said.

"You said one. Not three," Josh said raising his eyebrow.

"I couldn't decide which is the best but I think I wanna get lost in a foreign country. That way, I could experience and adventure of a lifetime," I said.

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