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Cameron's pov

I just stood there looking at Tyler and Meggie, not saying anything. They didn't realize that I was standing there. Tyler was kissing Meggie and I just stood there, feeling a sharp knife being stabbed in my heart and being turned slowly. Tears started welling up in my eyes but I still didn't walk away. Finally after what it seems like forever, Meggie noticed me and pushed Tyler away. Tyler looked at me and I could see in his eyes that he was afraid. Nervous. I just stood there blinking at them.

"Cameron...." Tyler words drifted away. I looked at him and tilted my head. "I can explain."

"Go on. Nobody's stopping you," I croaked. I tried so hard to look stern but my heart was breaking into pieces.

"I didn't mean to break your heart, Cameron. It's just an-"

"Accident? You call that an accident? Anyway you've already broke my heart into a million pieces so, congratulations," I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"I'm sorry, Cameron. I wasn't thinking. Please,forgive me," Tyler pleaded taking my hand. I pulled my hand away from him and looked at Meggie. She was almost crying.

"She was the one, isn't she? Your ex?" I asked still staring at Meggie. She avoided my eye contact.

"Yes....."Tyler said and dropped his head. "You should've told me before. You should've told me that you still have feelings for her before I fall for you," I said with tears streaming down my face.

"Look, Cameron. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't know you were falling for me. If I knew that before,I wouldn't break your heart," Tyler said.

"It's too late now isn't it? Whatever. it's just been two weeks that we're together and you broke my heart.I should've known better. You know what, you're just like your mom. I don't think that I can stay with you anymore. I'm going back to that foster care home. At least I don't have to see the boy who broke my heart. Is this why you once said that you didn't believe in love? That love doesn't exist? Now love does exist between you and Meggie. I'm happy for you. Tell your mom that I'm moving out," I said and walked away. Tyler called after me but I didn't turn back. I just walked away with tears streaming down my face.

I took the bus to Tyler's house and packed my things. Luckily, Tyler's mom was not at home. I wailed and cried. I couldn't contain myself. There was a picture of me and Tyler on the table. I took it and smashed it on the floor. I wiped away my tears and looked around the attic. I started crying again. I left the house and went outside. I didn't know where should I go. I don't want to go back to to the foster home. I went to my old house which is beside Tyler's house. I wanted to stay in there but I don't want to bring back the old memories. Lucas was right. I was so stupid to fall for Tyler. I should've known better. I went into the woods and walked and walked. I didn't stop walking. My shoulders ache from the backpack I am carrying. My legs were killing me.

As I kept walking deeper into the woods, the darker it gets and I finally fell on the ground. There's no more energy left in me. I couldn't walk. I groaned in pain, black spots covering my vision. I closed my eyes and felt my body go numb. I couldn't move my legs. I felt someone carry me and put me on its shoulder. I didn't open my eyes to see who it was. I just let that person to carry me. I don't care if it is Lucas or his bodyguard. I just don't care anymore. I finally passed out.


I woke up feeling a little light-headed. I looked around me sitting up. I'm in some room with wooden walls. I scratched my head and stood up. I spotted my backpack across the room. I picked up my bag and hung it over my shoulder. I went to the door and opened it. I was greeted by a small and neat living room. Where am I?

"Hello?" I called out to anyone in the house. There we no response. Outside the house were full of trees and there was a river flowing near by the house. Do I even call this a house? The walls around me were all wooden walls. The floor was covered with wooden floorboards. I left my bag down and walked around touching things. I touched the couch and the walls as I walked. A neat kitchen welcomed me and I looked around in awe. This house must've owned by a girl. She must've kept this house clean as possible. Bu one question was stuck in my head. Why would she have a house in the middle of nowhere?

"You, ok Cameron?"

I stood there in shock. It's not a girl.

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