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Cameron's pov

When I woke up, the first thing I saw was the pancakes. They were eaten already. I sat up straight and saw Tyler was still lying on the couch while reading my book. I smiled and picked up the plates from the table and placed it in the sink. I walked back to the hall and sat on the couch while looking around the house. Somehow, his house reminds me of something but I just can't put my finger on it.

"How did you do it?", Tyler asked not looking up from the book.

"Do what?", I asked

"How did the burn happen on Larry's hand?", Tyler asked now looking straight into my eyes.

"Oh that." I said thinking of some excuse.So the basketball player must be Larry."Well, I learn karate and I just did some self defense out there", I said confidently without stuttering. I actually never went to karate class. All of them were lies.

"But all you did was you blocked him with your hands and the next thing he was on the floor crying in pain." Tyler said again this time sitting up slowly.

"I'm a black belt in karate so I'm good at defending myself. " I said crossing my legs and arms and leaned by the couch.

"What about the scar then?", Tyler asked narrowing his eyes.

This guy piss me off. Too much of questions! But I eventually find some clever answer and answered him. "Yeah! I know right! I think the burnt scar was there before I defended myself. When I was just defending myself with my hands, I accidentally touched his burnt part. It was still not healed yet as you can feel it. It felt a little smooth and quite damp. So I might've squeezed his hand a little hard at his burnt spot so...yeah", I said smiling at Tyler.

"Oh." That was all he said. I smiled and picked up his shirt on the floor and the cloth from his stomach. The bruises were fading a little. Maybe he will be fine two days later. I took the wet cloth from Tyler which was quite dry and handed him his shirt. He put on his shirt slowly. I left the damp towel on the table because I didn't know where to put it.

"I have to go home now. Mom's waiting for me." I said grabbing my bag from the floor and walked to the door.

"Please stay for the night. Can you? Mom won't be here till tomorrow actually.", Tyler said looking down at the floor.

"But you said that she would be back tonight at ten." I said.

"Yeah but she called me just now when you were sleeping and said that she had a night shift so she would be back tomorrow morning at ten." Tyler said balling up his fists. Wow. I think he's getting angry but I don't know why. I guess it must be about his mom.

"Well,ok then. I'll ask my parents first and if they let me, I'll give you a call." I said and smiled. "Oh yeah, and my storybook please." I said retrieving it from Tyler. I went out and walked to my house.

"Mom, I'm home!", I shouted as I walked upstairs.

"Ok dear!", Mom shouted back. After placing my bag in the room, I went downstairs to have my lunce since it's already 2.30p.m.

"Why are you late dear?", Mom said as I went into the kitchen to take out my lunch from the oven.

"I helped Tyler home. He was....sick." I said eating my lunch while talking to Mom. She just nodded her head.

"Cameron, I want to talk to you about something. Can we go to the dining room so we can talk?", Mom asked. I nodded my head and sat down at the table and continued eating.

"Honey, I got posted to Cuba for my work." Mom said a little too excitedly.

"Seriously?!", I asked Mom. I was so happy for her. She was waiting for nine years to be posted there. My mom worked as a managing director for some engineering thing. I don't quite understand what my mom actually does because I never paid attention about her life story. All I know is that she is a managing director.

"So Mom when will you be back here?", I asked feeling a little down but I still feel happy for her. A little.

"Oh...I have to be there for six months,honey." Mom said.

"Oh Mom! I'll miss you so much. When will you be leaving?", I asked.

"Let's just say the day after tomorrow.", Mom said.

"Oh.", was all I said. What could I say more? She is my everything to me. I love her but I should leave her too. She is going to Cuba.

"Mom, can I tell you something?", I asked.

"Yeah sure dear. What is it?", Mom asked.

"Can I sleepover at Tyler's house today because his mom will be back home tomorrow and I'll have to take care of him 'cos he is sick." I said a little fast.

Mom looked at me for a while and she smiled. "Of course dear. But don't do anything naughty because I know that my baby girl is one little naughty girl and she is all grown up!", Mom said. I smiled. She really supports me in everything.

"Thanks mom!", I said.

"I'll inform your father about this and now I know that my baby girl is in looove!!", Mom sang.

"Mom! I am not in love. We were just friends and most of all, we barely know each other.", I said laughing.

"Ok honey. Go pack your things. You don't wanna keep him waiting for you.", Mom said. I smiled and went upstairs. Do I love Tyler. Well, to be honest, I liked him a little bit but what will happen after that is fate which is only God knows it.

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