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Cameron's pov

"Russell?" I gasped. "What in the world are you doing here?" I asked, confused.

"Look, I can explain Cameron. Please let me explain," Russell pleaded. I nodded my head and folded my arms.

"On the day your father died, Lucas came into my house. He came to me when I was sleeping. He threatened me. He said that if I don't help him, he would kill my family. He made me become his slave. He told me to bring him your father's body and now he wants Theo's body. I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry, Cameron. I have no choice. I had to do it to save my family," Russell said and broke down. I pulled him into my embrace and rubbed his back. "I really don't want to do it. I don't want to be his slave. But I had to do it to save my family. I'm really sorry, Cameron", Russell said in my shoulder. I pulled away and wiped his tears.

"Don't worry, Russell. I'll protect your family. I'll protect you from him. Did he tell you why did he want the bodies?" I asked. Russell shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Why do you think he wants the body?" I asked Russell.

"I don't know. I asked him and all he said was that was none of my business," Russell said. "So what do I do now? Should I leave the body here or should I give it to him?"

"I think you should give him. I'll follow you. I want to meet this Lucas myself," I said.

"What?! No! I would not let you take Theo's body," Tyler said.

"Don't worry. I would not let him do anything with the body. Trust me. And also if Russell didn't give the body to Lucas, Lucas will kill his entire family. We don't want that now, do we?" I convinced Tyler and he nodded slowly. I placed my palm on his face. I turned to Russell and asked,"Where do you give Lucas the body?"

"He told me to leave the body at some abandoned building at Kingston Street. How are you going to follow me? He might know that you're there," Russell said. I nodded.

"I know. I'll try. Somehow," I said not sure of myself. "Tyler, just go home. I'll be back soon,ok?" I said. I know I sound patronizing but I don't want to risk Tyler's life. He just raised his eyebrow and rolled his eyes. I went to him and kissed him at the lips. "I'm really sorry, Tyler. I couldn't risk your life. Please. Just go home. I'll be home as soon as possible," I said caressing his lips. He nodded and went away. I felt a little guilty for doing that but I have no choice.

"You ready, Cameron?" Russell asked. I nodded. He gave me a reassuring smile and took out Theo's body. I helped Russell put Theo's body in a colossal black plastic and then put it in a big black case. Russell then cleaned up the place. While he was cleaning up the place, I dragged the huge bag behind me and put it in the back of Russell's car. I stood by his car thinking about how am I going to follow Russell unseen. I really wish I have the power to be invisible. Maybe I might. I closed my eyes and visualize myself being invisible. I opened my eyes when I heard Russell calling out to me. I opened my eyes and stood in front of Russell. Maybe I just don't have the power to be invisible.

"Cameron? Where the hell are you? Don't tell me you took off running without telling me just because you're afraid!" Russell shouted. I was just standing in front of him and he couldn't see me?

"Uhh....hey! I'm standing right in front of you," I said. He looked straight at me but he wasn't looking straight into my eyes.

"Ok. So you're invisible. Cool. Just get in the car already," Russell sighed and got into the car. I started laughing. I'm invisible! I didn't know that I have the 'invisible' power. I quickly got into the car grinning. I just couldn't stop grinning. But then it struck me. How do I make myself visible again?


Russell drove to the abandoned building. The abandoned building looks ancient. Lots and lots of ivy covered the old worn-out walls.

"Be safe," Russell told me and I nodded. I know he couldn't see me but...whatever. I'm just so nervous right now. Russell took out the bag from the back of the car and went into the building. I followed Russell looking around me. Two men dressed in black t-shirts and worn-out jeans took the bag from Russell. Russell turned back to go away but the two men stopped him.

"Boss wants to see you," one of the buff men said and placed his hand on Russell's shoulder blades. I squeezed Russell's hand. He squeezed back and walked away with the two men. I followed them keeping myself as quiet as possible.

"Hello, Russell!" Lucas bellowed from his throne. I gasped quietly. The surrounding looked so...I'm literally speechless. It really does look like something that a typical lair that a villain would have in the movies. "So you did as you're told. What do you want in return?" Lucas asked walking down the steps.

"I want you to leave my family alone," Russell answered through gritted teeth. For the first time I actually looked at Lucas' face. To be honest, as a villain, he looks charming and also a hint of cunning and evil in his eyes.

"I will. Of course. But I couldn't just leave you like that. I mean you work for me and besides you're young and you still need education. But people like you would spill their secret no matter how. You told everything to Cameron. You think I'm just going to spare you? You don't deserve to live. Teenagers always get into my nerves. Olly! Gerrard! Hold him. Tania! Bring me my sword sweetie," Lucas said and gave Russell a dirty look.

"NO! Please! Don't kill me!" Russell cried, tears streaming down his face. Lucas held the sword above him. As he was about to bring down the sword to cut off Russell's head, I ran to him and stopped him. I looked at him with so much hatred. I burnt his hand and he cried in pain, the sword fell from his hands. Olly and Gerrard were staring at me. I visualize them hitting the wall. They flew behind and hit the wall causing a big hole in the wall. I took Russell's hand and went into the car. I drove off into the night. None of us talked on the way home.


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