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Cameron's pov

Ugh. My head hurts like crazy. All of the memories from yesterday's happenings came flooding into my head. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom and get ready for school.

I let my hair loose this time and I went downstairs. I took out a carton of milk from the fridge and poured myself a glass of milk and I poured myself a bowl of cereal and started eating. I was reading my storybook when dad came and patted my back. I turned around feeling a bit weird because he will start doing this when he gets really excited.

"What is it Dad? Were you promoted or something?", I said and turned around to read my book.

"Go outside and see what's there! You'll be really happy dear.", he said. I nodded and went outside. There was a sleek red Range Rover parked outside.

"You bought a new car for yourself." I said narrowing my eyes while leaning by the wall.

"No silly! The car is for you! Remember how long I've promised you? Here it is. Your new car!", Dad said giving a kiss on my forehead and he gave me the car keys and winked at me. I'm still stunned. This is a dream come true! But my favourite car is having a Lamborghini. Of course dad can't afford that. I quickly grabbed my bag from the couch and I shouted my parents goodbye. I opened the car door and went inside. The smell of a new car seeped into my nostrils. I closed the car door and started the engine. The engine roared and I switched on the air conditioner inside the car and at the same time, I switched on the radio and tuned in to my favourite radio station.

This car is really smooth. I love it. As I reached my school, I parked my car at the parking lot and I stepped outside. Most of the students were looking at me. Some started whispering. I smiled and locked my car door and went to my locker. When I was taking some books from my locker, I saw Tyler across the hall. He was with his phone and he was leaning at his locker. I smiled and I thought of talking to him for a while. As I walked towards him, a group of basketball players came to Tyler. I couldn't see well because the basketball players were tall and of course they were taller than me. Some students were there too. I quickly walked there and pushed past the students. Russel and Meggie stood beside me. One of the basketball player was pushing Tyler and shouting at him. I just hate when someone gets bullied.

"You think you're pretty cool?! You think you could just steal my money like that? Well, now you'll pay!", one of the basketball player said. He must be the leader of the group. The other basketball players were snickering and laughing.

"It wasn't me! I didn't steal it! Why would I?", Tyler said.

"Stop it!", I said. I really couldn't take it. I can't look at Tyler like this.Not this way. The basketball player looked at me and he came towards me.

"I'm sorry but she's crazy. I'll take her away", Russel said. I glared at him and shook my arm off.

"Leave him alone", I said stepping up close to the tall basketball player. I regretted that I've stood up for Tyler. I should've gone with Russel and Meggie but backing away means defeat. I'll never let this guy beat me.

"Look here sweetheart, I have some issues here so you better not involve in this", the guy said.

"You don't have to hit him like that. He's innocent", I said.

"And how do you know that he's innocent?"

"Because I know him more than you!"

"Oh! Look everyone! This little kid here is helping her boyfriend. What about I kick him here?", the basketball player said and he kicked Tyler in the stomach.

"Stop! I said stop it!" I said and stood in front of Tyler.

"Oh you'll get this too", the basketball player said and he raised his hand to hit me. I closed my eyes and blocked my face with my hands. Oh god.

"ARGHHH!!", someone shouted. I opened my eyes and I saw it was the basketball player. he was wincing in pain on the floor. He was holding his hand. I was shaking badly. With anger and nervousness. I took a closer look at the basketball player's hand. It has some sort of a burnt scar. Did I do that? Was it my powers?

"You'll get it one day sweetheart", the basketball player whispered to me and he went away with the other basketball players. The students were looking at me, their eyes were as big as saucers. Some were gasping and whispering to each other.

"Witchcraft!", one of the boy shouted and everyone started laughing and I smiled. Then all of the students went to their class. Luckily the teachers didn't see what happened. I helped Tyler up from the floor. I put his arms around my shoulder and we walked outside. He needs some rest so I'm taking him home. I'm ditching school today.

I walked him to my car and he sat at the passenger seat. I started the car and drove to his house. As we reached his house, I helped him out of the car and walked to his front door. I wanted to ring the bell to call his mom to help him. As I was about to ring the bell, Tyler stopped me.

"Mom is not in. She went to work", Tyler said. She'll never be back till 10.00p.m", Tyler said. I nodded and I opened the door. I helped him to sit at the couch while I get him some cloth with cold water. After I got some from the kitchen, I went to the hall where Tyler was holding his stomach. He is really in pain.

"Hey Ty, cool down alright? Everything is going to be ok. I'm here. I need you to take of your shirt so that I could see how bad those bruises are." I said. Tyler simply nodded and took off his shirt while swearing quietly because of the pain and he laid back down at the couch. Sometimes being a girl is really hard know...teenage boys and their sexy abs. But I try to act normal and dabbed the cold wet cloth on Tyler's stomach. After I cleaned those bruises, I wrapped the wet cloth at his stomach. Tyler was sleeping. I smiled and went to the kitchen and cooked some pancakes. I did have a hard time finding where all the kitchen things were kept and the pancakes too. But after cooking, I set the plate with pancakes on the table in front of Tyler and and I took a storybook from my schoolbag and read it. After that I don't remember anything because I think I fell asleep.

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