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Cameron's pov

I woke up once the light of the sun flooded the room. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that Tyler was not sleeping beside me anymore. I sat up rubbing my eyes and waited for my eyes to come to focus. I saw Tyler was standing in front of the mirror with his shirt on the floor. He was checking himself out.

"Hey Ty. What's wrong?", I asked groggily getting up from the bed and walked to him.

"Cameron, look at this. It''s a miracle.", Tyler said in amazement. He turned to me and showed me where his bruises used to be on his stomach. Oh hell. I knew that. I healed it.

"Wow! Where did the bruises go?", I asked sounding surprised. I had to act. I've got no choice.

"That was what I'm asking myself. Did you put any healing stuff in the water yesterday when you were cleaning me?", Tyler asked. I'm feeling quite nervous now. Should I say yes or no? If I say no, then he would ask too many questions.

"Err...yeah..I mean...yes.", I stuttered.

"What kind of healing stuff did you put in?"

Crap. Now what? Why didn't I say no just now? Arghh!! I hate myself. "I forgot. I think I added some ointment or something. I saw it in your kitchen. The ointment said something about "healing pain and joints in one day!"', I said emphasizing the word. I feel so stupid. How can I lie so badly?!

"Uhh...kay... But I've never-"

"Look! We have to get ready for school!! Chop, Chop! I'm bathing first!", I cut Tyler off and quickly ran into the bathroom grabbing my towel near the bathroom and closed the door. Phew! That was close. I knew why he was going to say and I don't have a clever answer for that. Next time, I should lie properly. And to lie properly, I need to practice!


We reached school on time. Tyler drove to school in his car and I drove to school by my own car. I just can't stop thinking about my powers. How come my powers were revealed two or three days ago? I really need to ask fairy godmother. The one I met in the woods. Ugh. Too many unanswered questions fogged up my head, giving me a headache. I decided to just let it go. I walked into the school and opened my locker to take some books for my class which is Maths. When I closed my locker door, Russel and Meggie was standing near my locker staring at me like idiots.

"What?" I asked looking at them.

"Where did you went yesterday? Is Tyler ok? How did you did that?" Meggie asked me shaking my shoulders.

I sighed. I don't want to talk about it. I took Meggie's hands from my shoulder and held them in my hands. "Look Meggie. Tyler is fine and I don't wanna talk about this. Please. I'm not in the mood to say anything. Please understand me guys." I said.

"Ok. We'll ask you later but now we need to go for our Maths class. Mrs.Bass will kill us if we're late for class." Russel said. I smiled and Meggie nodded agreeing on Russel's answer.

As we walked together down the hallway, I passed by a group of boys who were pointing at us ruefully and laughed. Russel who was walking beside me was looking around him uncomfortably.

"Look! Gay boy has got two girlfriends. Since when you were straight Gay boy?" One of the boy in the group shouted. "Russel is such a gay! Russel is such a gay!" the group of boys chanted. I could see that Russel was embarrassed.

"You know what cows, go to a mirror, see yourself on the mirror and try to get your idiotic lives straight rather than bullying bisexual people!" I shouted. They immediately stopped and started whispering at each other. Yeah. It just happened. Normally they'll never listen to you but I don't know about this situation. Who cares anyway? At least they stopped.

We reached class and our teacher started teaching us. I really don't mind that Russel is a gay. It's natural. Russel has been quiet the whole time. Maybe he's just nervous or something. I don't know.

"Hey are you ok?", I asked Russel placing my hand on his shoulder on lunchtime. "You were quiet through classes. You always talked to me and made fun of whatever the teacher says and now you're quiet.What's wrong?"

"Umm...nothing actually", Russel said eating his food. Meggie was looking at me too. I shrugged at her and kept on asking him why.

"I'm just scared that you guys wouldn't accept the fact that I'm gay 'cos you guys are the only friends I have and some boys but I rarely talk to them." Russel said. I smiled and laughed. Meggie and Russel were looking at me like I was crazy.

"It's fine Russel! I don't care! I'm not racist or sexist or anti gender. I'm ok with everything. If you're good to me, I'll be good to you", I said to Russel.

"Thanks Cameron. And Meggie. Meggie knows that I was gay long time ago", Russel said and I hugged him.

"Now eat your food. I'm hungry. I don't want to talk. I wanna eat", I said and we laughed and we talked normally like nothing has happened.


That night, I thought of going into the woods to meet my fairy godmother. But I'm too tired. I helped my mom to pack her things because she'll be leaving tomorrow. Early morning. I changed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth before going to bed. As my head hit the pillow, I literally fell into a deep sleep.


When I woke up, I found a letter on my bedside table. It was from mom.

A/N: HEY GUYS! I won't be updating till the first of June cos I gotta study for my exams. Sorry. But I promise you that the next chapter will be awesome.

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