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Isn't Shawn Mendes adorable? (FYI he's Tyler in this book.) Now I regret breaking up Cameron and him together. Meep :( Go check out his new song. It's awesome :D


Hey guys! So I was thinking about doing a review of Cameron's powers. I'm guessing that all of you might've forgotten some of her powers so here it is. I kinda forgotten her powers too so I'll have to look back lol. I'm getting old. So here is Cameron's powers:

1. She burns someone if she's angry (The burning power i guess...0_0)

2. The healing power

3. Uses her brain to do stuff (The visualizing power)

4. Screaming power (Could drive people crazy/ shrill scream)

5. Can breathe in water ( The breathing in water power) I'm so bad at naming superpowers

6. She's immune to fire- is that even a phrase?- (you get the idea right? Fire is no good on her. You can't burn her with fire.)

7. Telepathy power

8. Invisibility power

9. Electricity power


Number 10 will be a secret so you'll have to wait for the next chapters that I'll be posting starting from tomorrow. Sorry for not posting any chapters today because my room is freaking hot and I really need to fan myself. P.S: I do not have an air-con in my room. Sucks right? I know. Sometimes I wish there's actually a winter season in my country. Next chapter coming up tomorrow. :D


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