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Cameron's pov

"Honey let's go now. I'm pretty hungry!", Dad shouted from downstairs. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could.

"Hey Cam, you could invite Tyler  you know. We can build 'neighborhood bond'", Dad said and he laughed a little.

"Yeah. I think that's a BAD IDEA", I said shaking my head. He normally humiliates me in front of my friends. One time, at my old house back in Perth, my friends came over to my house for some project work. When my Dad stepped into my room, he started humiliating me in front of my friends, telling them about me when I was a baby, about how naughty and lazy I am now compared to my friends. They laughed and never stopped bullying me. That was one of the most embarrassing moments in my life.

"Aw..c'mon Cammy! I won't humiliate you this time. I promise," Dad said.

"I'll make sure you keep it. And if you don't, you will face the consequences", I said still thinking on what punishment should I give to Dad when he breaks his promise.

"Really? Ooohh!! I'm scared!!", Dad said sarcastically.  I laughed and went to Tyler's house to invite him. Apparently, he was just outside his house,sitting at the doorstep and he was on his phone.

"Hey Ty! My dad asked whether you want to come along with us for dinner. It would be fun!", I said walking towards him.

He looked up at me and thought for a while. Then he nodded and said, "I'll ask mom first." I nodded and waited outside while he went inside his house.

After a few minutes, he came out and closed his front door. He had changed his clothes into a white shirt with a black leather jacket and a pair of baggy jeans. He also wore a pair of high cut shoes. "I'm taking that as a yes then." I said smiling. He smirked and we walked together to dad's black Mercedes car.

"Hello Mr.Harrison. I'm pleased to join you and your daughter for dinner today", Tyler said shaking dad's hand. Dad looked at me awkwardly and I chuckled because of Tyler's formal way of talking.

"Hello Tyler. I'm glad that you could join us today. It is truly a pleasure having you here to have dinner with us at a restaurant", Dad replied. I could see that he was really trying his best to sound formal like Tyler. Dad's face was hilarious that I started laughing.

"Why are you laughing my dear daughter?", Dad asked me while hiding his smile.

"Please stop acting formal Dad. And you too Tyler.  Let's talk normally. It's really awkward you know", I said holding back my laugh. Tyler and Dad smiled and we got into the car. I sat at the passenger seat while Tyler sat at the back seat.

When we reached the restaurant, we ordered our food. Dad ordered himself a bean and rice burrito, Tyler ordered mushroom and mozzarella burger with relish while I ordered a plate of lasagna. It's my favorite food.

"So Tyler, how's life?", Dad asked Tyler while he ate his burrito.

"It's fine Mr.Harrison", Tyler said smiling at him. Tyler really talks less. We hardly talked to each except for the day when Tyler got beat up. He is always looking mysterious. I really want to be friends with him. Maybe more than friends? Oh shut up. I can't do that.Stop dreaming Cameron! You can't love him! He is not your type. I shook my thoughts off and ate my food. We were all pretty quiet until I finished eating my food.

"Excuse me", I said pushing my chair back while getting up and went to the washroom to wash my hands and fix my hair. When I came out, I walked towards my table where Dad and Tyler are sitting.

"So Cameron was running around the house with the-"

"Dad! Stop it!", I whisper-shouted. Tyler was smiling. I blushed and glared at Dad.

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