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Cameron's pov

"A prostitute?" I asked surprised. Mrs.Brock looks so kind and beautiful but I didn't expect that she's a prostitute.

"Yeah. I kept telling her not to do that but she never listens", Tyler said plopping down in my bed.

"Why is she so kind to me? I mean she took me in. She adopted me", I said sitting beside him holding his hands.

"That wasn't her idea. It was mine. I told Mom to adopt you because I couldn't see you staying in a foster care home. And I know exactly how you feel because I lost my father too. But you lost both of your parents. Your biological ones and your recent parents. You don't deserve to stay in a foster home", Tyler said took my hand.

"Just drop it. I don't want to talk about them. The more I think of them, the more I miss them. Anyway, let's talk about your past girlfriend. Why did she leave you?" I asked him.

His body stiffened, not looking at me. "Uhh...if you're not comfortable with this, I'm sorry for asking. I didn't mean to", I apologized.

"No,no. It's just....nothing. I just don't want to reveal her identity. I want to keep it private. You don't mind do you?" he asked fidgeting with his hands.

"I don't mind."

"It's pretty short though. We were together for two years and then we broke up. The reason why we broke up is because of me. I was supposed to bring her on a date to this restaurant. It was snowing. I was out of mood on that day because I had a fight with my Mom. I didn't tell that to her. So after our dinner, she kept asking me what's wrong. I couldn't stand it. She kept bugging me because she really wants to know what happened. I didn't want to tell her because I was still pissed. She kept on asking me what had happened till I lost it and shouted at her. I embarrassed her in front of everyone. I left her outside of the restaurant and drove off without her. I left her freezing out there. I shouldn't do that, I know but I was pissed. I texted her after that saying that I'm sorry but she didn't reply. I met her in school and tried to explain but then all she said that it's over between us."

"So...this she still in our school?" I asked.

"Yes," he said and looked away.

"Do you...uhh...still like her?" I asked. I know I shouldn't ask but I was curious.

"Not really...I don't know...maybe...not...uhh..yes. I mean-"

"I get it. I don't mind. I know it's hard to let her go", I cut him off. He looked at me thankfully.

"By the way, I need to tell you something. Please keep this a secret. I know I've been lying to you lately and I think you deserve to know the truth. About me," I said. I think I should tell him too. I told him everything. The exact same thing what I've told Russell and Meggie. After telling him the whole story, he just sat there looking at me. I couldn't read the expression on his face. I raised my eyebrow waiting for him to comment something.

"Cool!" he said beaming. How come is everyone not surprised? "It must be really awesome having powers. So now that you healed me. Are you immortal?" he asked with enthusiasm.

"Uhh..I don't think that I'm immortal. My powers only works on others but not for me. Like the healing power. I can't heal myself," I answered.

"Be careful of Lucas. He could disguise himself as me. You better know the difference," Tyler said. I nodded.

"Anyway, do you have any stand fan? I'm kinda starting to sweat now."


I texted Meggie and Russell that night telling them about the fact that I'm staying with Tyler and about Tyler kissing me and stuff like that. Of course I didn't reveal Tyler's secrets. I wouldn't do that. Russell didn't stop texting me back but Meggie surprisingly didn't text me back. She's normally the bubbly one and loves to pry into someone's business. But all the same, she always texted back whenever I text her. But this time she didn't. Maybe she's just busy and she has no time to answer my messages. Tyler bought two stand fans to put in the attic so that I would not feel hot. I currently do not have any money with me so I sold my second-hand Range Rover and with some luck, some family bought my car on the same day itself. I know it is scientifically impossible but I guess I was in luck. I kinda got a lot of cash with me now. I need to find a job before I run out of money.

Me and Tyler had dinner by ordering pizza. Tyler's mom is still not at home. Well,yet anyway. So we had box of pizza and watched some TV. After that, I was feeling full and my eyes started drooping. I quickly brushed my teeth and changed into my pj's. I kissed Tyler goodnight and slept in two shakes of a lamb's tail.


Tyler woke me up the next morning to get ready for school since I don't have my alarm clock with me. I got up and do my morning stuff and went downstairs. I poured myself a glass of milk from the fridge and ate an apple. When Tyler came downstairs, he gulped down a glass of milk without having anything to eat and told me to get into the car while he'll drive us to school. I didn't ask him why didn't he have anything for breakfast because I guess that's his normal routine.

When we reached school, Tyler parked his car at the parking lot. As I got out of the car, I heard there was a loud commotion of people shouting and talking fast. There were many people crowding around one particular car. Tyler and I exchanged glances and went into the crowd to see what's going on. I pushed through people, the smell of something rotting wafted through my nose. I closed my nose with my hand and asked some students about what is going on. Most of them didn't answer me. Some of them had tears in their eyes but most of them were talking too loud. I gasped as soon as I saw there was a dead body staring at me, eyes black and lifeless.

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