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Cameron's pov

I grabbed Josh's car keys and ran down the stairs. I wanted to take the lift but it was out so I took the stairs.

"Cameron!" Josh called out to me. I didn't look behind as I ran. I reached Josh's car and started the engines. Josh came just in time before I drove away to Russell's house. "Open up!" Josh shouted from the outside, hitting the window. I shook my head and mouthed "I'll be back" to him. I don't know whether he got the message but I was frantic and desperate to get there before anything happens.

As I reached there, I tried his front door but it was locked. I hit the door and called out to Russell to open up but he didn't. I went to the window to see what's happening inside. I gasped as everything in the house has turned upside down. His house was messy with broken chairs and tables. I hit hard at the window but no one heard me. I took a baseball bat from Josh's car and hit the window. Josh kept a bat in his car for some reason. The window broke and I went in, grazing my knee a little. As I got inside, I looked around me. The house seems quiet. I made my way upstairs and the first ting I saw was Russell on the floor. His head was bleeding. I ran up to him and touched his head. I closed my eyes hoping that the healing power will work. It did. It healed Russell's head. Russell's eyes fluttered open. His hands were shaking as he tried to get up. I helped him up and he looked at me his grey eyes gleaming with sadness.

"Save my family, Cameron. Please," Russell pleaded. I nodded and helped him to sit in his broken bed.

"Where are your family?" I asked. He started crying. "Russell, calm down. Where are your family? Tell me! I'll do anything to save your family," I said shaking him. He looked at me and his expression From sad to afraid. He looked behind me. I turned behind and saw Lucas smiling evilly behind me. I could see Russell's family behind him. They we're tied in an electric cable with high volts.
"Let them go. Please. Don't hurt them," I said getting up. He smiled and turned to look at Russell's family and looked back at me. He snapped his fingers and electrocuted his family. I could see the electricity that flowed through the cables.

"No!" I shouted. I went to pull the electric cables from them but Lucas pushed me away and flew back and hit the wall. I winced in pain but I got up. Lucas snapped his fingers and the electricity stopped flowing through the cables. Smoke was covering around Russell's family. Russell was screaming at Lucas. He went after Lucas but Lucas choked him and threw him to the wall. I quickly helped Russell up and told him to stay down. I don't want him getting hurt anymore. Russell nodded and closed his eyes.

" my family," Russell whispered. I nodded and turned to look at Lucas.

"So,Cameron. We finally get to talk. How are you?" Lucas asked walking towards me. I didn't back up because I don't want to show him that I'm afraid of him.

"Leave them alone. Please don't hurt them. Take me away if you want. Just don't hurt them. They're not involved in this," I said, balling up my fists.

"Oh, yes they are! Tell her Russell. What did you do for me?" Lucas asked darkly to Russell.

"You just ask him to bring the dead bodies to you," I said.

"Oh? You think that's the only thing? There's something more than that. You might not know it but let me tell you. Why do you think he approached to you on the first day of school? Why do you think I asked him to help me? There's a reason. You think this is his real family? Darcy didn't tell you everything because she wants to keep you away from the deepest and darkest secrets of your family. She didn't want to tell you. She wants you to find out for yourself. And why do you think that I killed your foster dad? Or should I say...your real dad? Why do you think I kill Theo? There's a reason behind it. You know nothing do you?" Lucas said.

"What do you mean?" I was completely confused.

"Sometimes I feel sorry for you, Cameron. Too bad your parents died before they could tell you everything. Darcy must've told you that I was the one who killed your parents and planet Zaryon was destroyed by me."

I nodded.

"That's true though.But I only killed your mother. I never got to kill your father because at that time, I didn't know what's his weakness was. Your mother's weakness was poison. Not that kind of poison where you get in this world. We had this poison plant where most Scybernoids are immune to but your mother was special. I killed her by putting that poison plant in her food. As simple as that. But obviously they were one step ahead of me. They knew that I would harm them so when your mother gave birth to her first child-which is Russell- he was technically a failure. He was not as strong as your parents. He was born as a normal human. Your parents didn't know what's wrong with Russell because he was not like them. But still, your mother loved him and told Darcy to take care of Russell. I was stupid to poison your mother after you were born. Your mother handed you to Crystal. Crystal took care of you. Your friends were basically all the fishes in the sea. After when your father knew that I killed your mother, your father didn't come after me, instead he blew up planet Zaryon. He thought that blowing up planet Zaryon would kill me but he was wring because I was here, on earth. And then time goes on and you were adopted. Your father decided to marry someone here and lied to you that he was your foster dad. He took care of you. He didn't take care of Russell because he thought that I wouldn't harm Russell. But he's wrong as you can see now. He was adopted by this family. Your father told Darcy to tell Russell everything except for you because he wanted to protect you. He thought he could protect you from me but he was wrong. I found what his weakness was and I killed him. His weakness was fire. I know you'll be thinking that the doctor told your foster mother that he was choked to death but actually I started the fire and he breathed in the smoke. His weakness fire. I burned him alive and when he died, I healed his burns and pressed his neck so that all the stupid doctors would think that someone choked him to death. As for you, I tried putting poison in your food but you were immune to it. You also didn't burn when fire burnt your skin. But you definitely have a weakness and I'll find it as soon as possible. Oh, yeah! I almost forgot. I killed Theo because I want you to know that I'm not leaving you alone. I know that wasn't much of a reason but...who cares anyway?" Lucas said.

I was speechless. I couldn't believe his story. Now that explains everything. I don't want to believe his story but....arghhh!! I don't know! This is killing me.

"I know it's hard to believe this but even though I'm bad, I tell the truth you know," Lucas said softly. He pulled me to him and placed his hand on my waist. "You know, if you decided to come with me, you can become my queen because you're really beautiful," Lucas whispered caressing my face and rested his forehead on mine. I pushed him away and untied the electric cable that is tied around Russell's family. Lucas came to me and pulled me away from the electric cable. He held my hand and snapped his fingers again.

"NO!" I shouted as I see the innocent family shriveled up like a crisp. Lucas was putting them on high voltage. I grasped Lucas' hand and pressed it hard so that it burns. It burned his hand but he kept holding me. I looked at the innocent family helplessly. I stared hard at the electric cable so that it would come off. It did but Lucas hit me in the head and I fell on the ground. I crawled towards the family and touched them so that I could heal them before they die. I healed the small girl. She was crying. She ran to Russell and I move on to the what it seem like the father. I was about to heal him when Lucas grabbed my hair and pulled me up. He was about to choke me but then the door bursts open and Josh came in growling.

Wait what?

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