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Cameron's pov

"Please don't hurt me," I pleaded, my heart thumping wildly.

"I know who you are Cameron. I want you. I need you", he whispered, his hot breath hitting my cheek. His fingers caressing my face. I pushed him away and ran. I ran out of the woods. I ran as fast as I could. I wasn't quite sure on where I was heading but all I knew was running away from that psycho. I ran until I couldn't run anymore and I bent down, my palms on my knees for support, gasping for air. I looked back. Luckily Tyler didn't follow me all the way here. I looked around me. I was at some neighborhood near a park. There was a signboard that said:

'Lolando Beach 500M'

There is a beach nearby. I really needed to take a rest so I headed to the beach. There weren't many people at the beach, just a couple and two girls. I went near the waves,the wind blowing into my direction, cooling my sweaty body. The cold water touched my feet. I smiled and looked around me again. This time, there was no one at the beach but me. Suddenly my eyes started to water. I didn't know why I was crying. I felt that everywhere I go is not safe. I do not feel safe. The powers I had did not make me feel safe. But the most surprising thing is that the boy that I've had a crush on since the first day of school became a dangerous person to me. I didn't like that feeling. I do not know whether I could trust him again anymore. I fell down kneeling in the water that is soaking my pants and cried. I looked towards the horizon and all I see is nothing but blue sky. Just plain blue sky. I thought about mom and dad. My foster ones and my biological ones eventhough I've never seen them before but only in my dreams. Their faces were blurry. I didn't realize that I was being pushed by the waves towards the sea. The currents were getting stronger by the minute. I quickly got up and tried to walk back to the beach but I kept falling down and the currents were pushing me towards the sea. I was so scared that I started shivering. I don't want to die now. I don't think God heard me because the currents kept pulling me towards the sea. I cried for help but nobody heard me. The salty water went into my mouth and burned my throat. I waves were pulling me. I guess this is my time. This is the end. My head was pushed into the sea by the waves. I closed my eyes and didn't move because my body was numb and all I did was waiting for God to take my life away put me in heaven with mommy and daddy.

"Stay with me honey. Stay. Breathe. Breathe. Stay with me. You're safe now. Safe....."


I woke up feeling a little light-headed. I looked around me expecting to see my room and all of this was just a stupid dream but all I see was blue. Everything around me is blue in color. I touched my head and squeezed my eyes shut. Maybe it was my eyes that were playing tricks on me.

"Hey, are you ok?" I heard a female voice speaking to me. I opened my eyes and I almost had a heart attack. Her face was green and scaly. Like a fish. I rubbed my eyes and looked at her again. She still looks the same. She grinned at me, flashing her pearly whites. Sharp pearly whites.

"Where am I?" I questioned her.

"You can breathe in water? That is a miracle. I thought you were Prince Charming. I wanted to save you because you were drowning but then I saw you breathing. By the way, I'm Ariel."

"Haha. Very funny. Can you at least be serious a little?" I said sarcastically.

"Haha sorry. My name is Dory. I'm Dory from Finding Nemo", she said sticking her hand out to me.

"Seriously? This isn't funny. Please tell me where am I?"

"Actually my name is Dory. Just that the Finding Nemo part is just a joke. I saw you drowning and I wanted to help you but then I saw you breathing. Can all humans breathe in water or is it just you?" Dory asked curiously.

"I think it is one of my powers." I said looking around. I got up and swam around.

"What do you mean?" Dory asked swimming around with me.

"Leave her alone, Dory. Hello Cameron. I'm Crystal. Follow me please." The girl said. I nodded and smiled weakly to Dory. She smiled at me back and swam away. I followed Crystal. She swam into a small dark cave. I followed her and looked around. Suddenly Crystal stopped in front of a stone door. She pressed her palms against the stone wall and the door magically opened by itself. I'm not surprised. My world is full of craziness.

"Come, Cameron," Crystal gestured me and I followed her. She brought me into a dark room. I couldn't see a thing so I held on to her tail. She didn't mind it anyway. As soon as she came to a stop, the room lit up.

"Welcome to the 'Cave of Life'. This place was the only place where your father and your mother met. They really loved each other", Crystal said closing her eyes and smiling.

"I thought they lived in a planet called....something I forgot. Why would they hang out in a cave on Earth?" I asked.

"You don't know do you? There used to be a portal that connects planet Zaryon and planet Earth. Through this portal, you could go to planet Zaryon from Earth and from planet Zaryon, if you go through the portal, you'll reach Earth. But since planet Zaryon was destroyed by Lucas, the portal was gone. Your parents left me to take care of this place and show this place to you when you're ready. I could tell that you're ready now", Crystal said holding my hands.

"What do you mean that I'm ready?"

"Your powers. you're beginning to know your powers. But you must remember that you'll have to be very careful when using your powers. You don't wanna hurt anyone now do you?" Crystal said. I nodded. "I want to give you something. It's one of your mother's precious thing." She went to the corner of the cave and opened a small trunk. She took out a small box that is wrapped with a white cloth. She opened it carefully and took out a what it seem like a necklace.

"Here. This was given to your mother from your father. This necklace would protect you", Crystal said and handed it over it to me. I took it. The necklace was beautiful. It was made with real silver. The chain was silver and the pendant was just a small heart. I opened it expecting to see my parents face instead there was a girl's face. The girl looked like me.

"Is this me?" I asked Crystal.

"Yes." She nodded. "This necklace will protect you from anything like I said just now."

"Then what is this empty spot for?" I said pointing to the space where there should be an another picture.

"Someone you love the most," Crystal smiled. The first thing that came into my mind was Tyler.

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