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Cameron's pov

I quickly got out of bed and went downstairs to find Tyler but he's not there. I wanted to call Josh but I didn't know where I kept my phone. I didn't want to waste anymore time so I took Tyler's car keys on the counter top and took Tyler's car to Josh's flat.

As I reached Josh's flat, I ran up the stairs two at a time till I reached Josh's flat. I was out of breath as I stood by on Josh's doorstep. I banged the door, calling out for him.

"What in the world.....Cameron?" Josh said staring at me.

"Josh....Ty...Tyler....Lucas took....Tyler," I said trying to catch my breath. The one thing I liked about Josh is that he'll never ask too many questions. He quickly grabbed my hand and we ran down the stairs. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs. Josh ran further down the road. I thought he was going to run to Tyler or something.

"Hey, Josh! We can take Tyler's car!" I shouted to him. He stopped and turned to me. Suddenly he started howling. Not long after that, all his wolf friends came to where he's standing. It was the same people who came to Russell's house. Amy came to me and told me to drive there while Josh and the two other boys take Josh's car. I nodded and drove to the abandoned building. I still couldn't believe that this is happening. Nightmare had just turned into reality. Amy placed her hand on my shoulder and told me to calm down because I was twitching in anger and fear. I tried to slow down my driving a bit or I would get a ticket but I couldn't because I want to get there before Tyler...I don't want to say it.

As we reached there, I told Amy, Josh and the two boys that I'll camouflage myself by being invisible. They agreed and I took a last glance of them. As Amy and the two boys went into the building quietly, Josh looked at me and grabbed my arm. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back and smiled.

"Please stay safe," Josh said to me. I nodded.

"You too," I replied and turned invisible. I ran into the building to find Tyler. I saw him there, his head drooped down and he was tied to a chain by the wall. I couldn't see Lucas anywhere. I ran to Tyler and made myself visible. I placed my index finger under his chin and props up his face so that he could look me in the eye. His eyes were closed and he looked like there's no energy left in him.

"Cameron....." Tyler whispered as he opened his eyes. His face was covered in sweat.

"I'll get you out of here," I said and tried to break his chains, but I was thrown back before I could even touch the lock. It's like I was electrocuted. I groaned and got up. Maybe if I stare the chain hard and the chain would break. I stared at it but I couldn't focus on it. I really don't know why. It's like someone is controlling my head. Suddenly a sharp pain struck my head. I grabbed my head and groaned in pain. I fell down to my knees and grabbed my head. Bits of the past flashed in my head. Suddenly two men grabbed me and held my arms behind my back. I tried to break free but I was too weak to do it because my head is still in pain.

"Well..well...what do we have here?" Lucas mocked and sat on his throne. "I always knew that this was the right guy. You love this guy don't you?" Lucas asked giving me and evil eye. I threw back my head and screamed. Lucas closed his ears and waked briskly towards me. I didn't stop screaming until he gave me a hard slap right in the face.

"You better stop that screaming or I'll secure this sharp metal guard in your mouth and when you scream again, the sharp points will pierce into your mouth and you'll feel pain. Do you want that?" Lucas said through gritted teeth. I looked up at him and tried to visualize myself throwing him to the wall but that causes a sharp pain in my head again. Lucas laughed and bent down to look at me.

"You think you can use your power to stop me? That chain you touched placed a chip in your head to stop you from any powers that you want to trigger to someone," Lucas said. "You made a very big mistake. You came here alone."

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