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Cameron's pov

I opened the letter and read it. It says:

Dear Cameron,

I just want to say goodbye to you and I want you to know that I love you and your father very much. Please take care of your father and I hope you study well. If there is something urgent, call me. If you need someone to talk to, you can call me. I'll pick up the phone somehow and if I don't, you can just send me a message and I'll call you or message you back of I can. Goodbye honey.

Love, mom.

I smiled and kept the letter in my drawer. Then, I went to the bathroom to take a shower.


Tyler's pov

"Mom, where have you been?", I asked her feeling really angry.

"Where else? I do it to get money! If you still don't understand this now then you'll never will", mom said raising her voice.

"If dad is here, he would never forgive you!", I shouted and went to my room and slammed the door.

"You watch your mouth young man! I am doing this for your own good!" Mom screamed and she slammed her room door too. She is not a good example. I never liked her. Well, after my father died. Before father died, she was really loving to me and she would do whatever it takes to make me happy. I want her old self. I didn't like her now. After father died, she started drinking and smoking. But the worst part is her job. Nobody knows what she had become now. I could see that she is trying to make me happy and get some damn money but she is doing it the wrong way. She brought Cameron here because she thought that I would fall in love with Cameron and run away with her or something. She wants to get rid of me because she wants me to be happy. I actually respect but the last time she brought a girl here, and I fell in love with her. And that is when she cheated on me and she almost made me commit suicide. I'll never want to experience it again. Right now,I gotta get ready for school.


Cameron's pov

"Hey Russell", I said punching him playfully at his shoulder. He was leaning by the tree while reading a book.

"Hey Cammy", he said closing his book and putting it in his bag. "So, what's up?", he asked folding his arms and looking at me with his dazzling blue eyes.

"It's the sky obviously", I said nonchalantly and he laughed a little. I laughed with him and ruffled his hair.

"Hey! That was a masterpiece! You messed it up!", he shouted fixing his hair. I laughed and nudged him playfully into his ribs. He placed his arms around me laughing too.

"What's with all those laughing about?", Meggie came towards us and asked.

"Pretty much nothing actually. We're just messing around," Russell said and we walked to English class.

"Today students, we are going to have an assignment but before that, a new student is joining our class and I want all of you to treat her well. Please welcome Lorraine Flinn!", our teacher exclaimed and some of us clapped but most of us just sat there staring at the girl who just came into the class. This girl looks like a spoiled brat. Her hair was tied into a pony tail and her lips. Oh god. They looked like Kylie Jenner's lips. It's freaking huge! And I suppose everyone here knows that this is not some How-Much-Can-I-See-Your-Cleavage competition. Her shirt is really tight and short. She also wore a pair of shorts, her tanned legs glowing under the sun. I rolled my eyes. Almost all of the boys here were checking her out. I had to admit. She is beautiful but her clothes is just....too inappropriate to wear it to school unless you are wearing this to go to a club then it might be fine because no one cares what are you wearing. Except for the boys who are always drooling on girls like this.

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