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Cameron's pov

I wore the necklace around my neck and laid in my bed thinking about it. I opened the pendant and caressed the empty spot beside my picture. How did mom even predicted how will my face look like when I grow up? I need to ask Crystal about that. As I was laying down in my bed, the phone rang. I got up and went downstairs to pick up the phone.

ME: "Hello?"

MOM: "Hey honey! Guess who is on the line?"

ME: "Mom!! How are you?! We haven't talked for weeks!"

MOM: "Sorry honey. Been very busy lately. So how's everything?"

ME: "Everything's fine. School's been great. How's your work?"

MOM: "Exhausting but I'm happy with my work. How's Dad? Is he there? Can I talk to him?"

ME: "Sorry mom. Dad is not here. I'll send your regards to him. I miss you mom."

MOM: "Oh, honey! I miss you too. I'll call your Dad later. I miss him too. Anyway, how's Tyler?"

ME: *biting my lip* "He's ok"

MOM: "So any love spark between the both of you?"

ME: "Mom, we are just friends."

MOM: *laughs quietly* "Just friends. Ok. I'll take that. I have to go now if you don't mind. It's 1.00 a.m here."

ME: "Oh....Ok. Bye mom. Love you."

MOM: "Love you too honey. Bye."

ME: "Bye."

I put down the phone and looked at my watch. I then remembered that today is the day of the party. I quickly plucked my phone from my jean pocket and texted Meggie.

ME: U going 2 the party?


ME: Think so. U?

MEGGIE: If ur going then I'll go with u. I'm coming to ur house with Russell.

ME: ok. xx

I smiled and shoved my phone in my pocket. Time to partay!!


"ANYBODY HOME?!" Meggie shouted through the front door. I ran downstairs and opened the door. Meggie and Russell were smiling sheepishly.

"You know you could just ring the doorbell right?" I said shaking my head. I invited them in and closed the door.

"So, is Tyler coming?" Russell asked.

"I don't really know," I said. I think I should tell them everything since they are the only friends that are close to me. I should tell them of what am I till the yesterday's happenings. There's a couple of hours more before the party so I still have time to tell them my story.

"Guys, I need to tell you something. But you have to promise me to keep all of this a secret. You guys mustn't let anyone know about this. Not even Tyler," I said looking up to them. They glanced at each other and nodded. I told them to follow me to my room and I told them the whole thing. I told them nothing but the truth.


They listened carefully while I'm telling them the whole story and didn't utter one word. After telling them everything, I kept quiet and the room was in dead silence. Meggie and Russell looked at each other and looked back to me. After what it seemed like eternity, Russell broke the silence.

"'re a Scybernoid and Lucas is a Gladeroid. Lucas is coming to get you."

I didn't know if that was a statement or a question but I answered a yes.

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