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Cameron's pov

"Do you think he would hurt my family?" Russell asked staring straight ahead. I the feeling of pushing Lucas hand away from Russell made me feel...alive...strong. I've never felt that way before. All my life I never thought that I would feel those feelings. It felt so good. "Cameron?" Russell called cutting me off from my train of thoughts.

"Yeah?" I answered glancing at him.

"Do you think that Lucas would hurt my family?" Russell asked again. This time he had tears in his eyes. I squeezed his knee nodding my head.

"You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you and your family. If you feel like you're in danger, just call me. I'll be there in time for you. To protect you and your family," I said. I meant my words. I would do anything to save my friends. They deserved better.

"Thank you for saving me back there, Cameron. I really appreciate it. I owe you big time," Russell said looking at me. I smiled and looked straight ahead. When I reached Russell's house, he got out of the car and went into his house. I parked his car outside his house. I offered me a ride home but I pushed away his offer. He must be feeling really knackered, worrying about his family's safety and everything. I walked home. I took out my phone from my pocket and looked at the time. It's already 2.00a.m in the morning. Too bad I've got school tomorrow. I hugged myself, feeling a little cold. Russell's house is quite far from mine. Well, Tyler's house. I half ran and half jogged till I reached home. I was out of breath by the time I reached home. I opened the door quietly and as quiet as a mice, I padded upstairs, not wanting to wake anyone up. As I pulled down the folded stairs that lead to the attic, it creaked loudly. I drew in a sharp breath and pulled it as fast as I could. I didn't move a muscle for one whole minute. As my instincts told me that it's safe to go up, I went up as quiet as possible. As my put my right foot on the last step, someone grabbed my leg. I bit my lip to hold back my scream. I looked down and heaved a sigh of relieve because it was just Tyler. I shook my leg off from his rather strong grasp and went into the attic. Tyler came in and pulled in the folded steps behind him.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked taking off my sweater and left it on the floor. I was too tired to drape it around my chair. I flopped on the bed and kicked off my sneakers.

"I couldn't sleep," Tyler said sitting in my bed.

"It's freaking 2.30a.m."

"I know. I just couldn't sleep. I was waiting for you," Tyler said looking at me stroking my hair. I got up and sat beside him. I leaned my head on his shoulder and interlocked our fingers. I didn't say anything. It felt so good being here. I feel safer here.

"Go to sleep, Tyler. We have school tomorrow," I said smiling. He looked at me and kissed me on the lips. Again, sparks fly. Electricity flowed through my body. His hands on my waist as he kissed me passionately. Each second, I became hungry for his kiss. We never stopped kissing.

The next thing I know, my clothes were on the floor.


It's been two weeks and there's no news about Lucas. We were happy and for a moment I thought that we were just like a normal teenagers living our lives. I felt so happy and I've never felt so normal. Tyler and me were very close now. I fell for him. He's just too perfect. I occasionally practiced my powers, somewhere quiet. Normally in the woods. Alone. I feel brave now. I feel strong. I will be ready for Lucas. Anytime.

Josh and me were quite close too. Josh was really down to earth, kind and joyful. We never fought. Sometimes when the teacher asks me a question I don't know, Josh would secretly tell me the answer. Josh is like the Chemistry Genius. He literally knows almost everything. There's even one time where Mrs.Callaghan asked him a really difficult question, and he just answered that question like he knows that from heart. His answer made Mrs.Callaghan speechless. We fist bumped each other under the table.

Today, Mrs.Callaghan punished us for talking and laughing in the class. She told us to stand outside the class. I felt a little ashamed of myself but since Josh is with me, I feel nothing. Some of the students snickered but Josh just flashed them a middle finger when Mrs.Callaghan wasn't looking. Some were trying not to laugh and some just smiled. We were acting just like small kids. Like we're back in kindergarten. Two mischief friends. We just stood there, Josh talking to me non-stop making corny jokes and I laughed hard. I didn't laugh out loud because then Mrs.Callaghan would send us to detention. Of course I wouldn't want that. Josh kept his voice low, but still making corny jokes. I was literally crying after laughing so hard till class is finished. I fist bumped Josh and bade him goodbye before going back home. I went into Tyler's car and waited outside for him to come. He's normally early but I guess today he would be quite late for some reasons. I texted him but he didn't text back. I felt uneasy. I kept shifting from foot to foot. Finally, after waiting him for fifteen whole minutes, I decided to find him. I went looking him around the school. I try finding him in the hallways but he's not there. I tried calling him through his phone it went straight to his voicemail. There's only one place I haven't checked yet. The school's library. I went into the school library, giving the librarian a fake smile as I tried to look as cool as possible and went from row to row.

At last I found him at the back of the library. The most quiet place of all. I saw him. With Meggie.

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